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Dishonored trailer shows off various clever ways to kills

Includes the Zack Morris "time out!"

Bethesda's upcoming stealth/action title Dishonored looks to challenge BioShock and Hitman in terms of peculiar ways to murder foes, and this new trailer - below - displays some of the most obtuse yet.

My favourite involves using an extremely potent slow-motion power to pull off Zack Morris' "time-out" ability from Saved by the Bell, in which he could alter the fabric of reality by freezing the fourth dimension. Here Dishonored protagonist Corvo stops time after a guard fires his gun, possesses said guard, walks him over to the path of his own bullet, then leaps out of his body. Okay, "time in!"

There's also rat possession, which in any other game might sound pretty wild, but almost feels tame in comparison to everything else on display here.

Dishonored is being developed by Arkane Studios, which includes several key staff from Deus Ex as well as Half Life 2's visual design director Viktor Antonov who dreamed up City 17.

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Dishonored is due on 12th October on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

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