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These DF-favourite Grado SR325x headphones can be yours for £215 from eBay

A brilliant set of open-back cans.

I've been on a bit of an audio journey for the last few months, taking in all sorts of excellent hi-fi kit, including a few pairs of fantastic headphones. Perhaps the best ones I've used in that time are the Grado SR325x, the top of the line model from the veteran American brand in their base 'Prestige' line of headphones. They offer a tremendous listening experience, as well as some good looks, a sturdy construction and are easy to drive with a low impedance. What's more, thanks to the Ebay discount code SAVINGS20, you can also get them for a fair bit under their £269 list price - £215.

Grado headphones have a signature sound to them, with a bright and sparkly tone that provides a fair amount of top-end. In my review, I noted that it's on their presentation of treble where the SR325x shined with crisp percussion on Steely Dan's Do It Again and the higher synth notes on Steve Hogarth's Cage. They're also a detailed listen too, with a sublime presentation of the mid-range. James Taylor's I Was A Fool To Care exemplified this perfectly, with warmth and plenty of detail.

As much as the SR325x offer a fantastic top-end and precise mid-range, I should also say that their low-end is more robust than other Grado cans out there. Listening to Rush's YYZ through these makes for a captivating experience, especially with the crispness of the overall presentation, while the soundstage presented by the SR325x provides plenty of immersion in both games and music alike. As these are open-back cans, it means they let noise both in and out, meaning they are only suitable for home listening or use, but for that purpose, they're an excellent choice.

Unlike other cheaper options in Grado's 'Prestige' line, these SR325x are comprised of metal, and carry more of a premium feel that reflects their price tag. They feel solid, although as on-ears can take a little bit of getting used to in terms of fitment. As opposed to just resting on your head, you do need to shape the headband of the SR325x to fit your head to get things just right. At 340g, these are also pretty lightweight and with a lighter clamping force, wearing the SR325x for a longer period of time shouldn't get fatiguing.

If you're looking for a capable pair of open-back headphones for listening to all manner of music or for gaming, the Grado SR325x at this price make for a fantastic choice.

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