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Deus Ex hack: "Game not at risk"

Hacker claims he's being "framed".

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The group implicated in this week's Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Eidos websites compromise has told Eurogamer that there is no risk of the game being leaked onto the internet.

On Wednesday hackers broke into Square Enix's official Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Eidos websites and stole the personal data of "at least" 80,000 registered users.

Yesterday the Deus Ex website, user forum, and were unreachable. For a brief period on Wednesday the sites displayed a defacement banner that read "Owned by Chippy1337" along with several names and hacker handles of those supposedly responsible for the break-in.

According to logs lifted from the chatroom used by those responsible, the hackers are discussing whether to leak the "src", leading some to speculate that the source code of Deus Ex: Human Revolution itself could hit the internet before launch.

But "Venuism", who was name-checked in the image left on the website following the intrusion, told Eurogamer this morning that the "src" reference made in the chat logs refers to the Deus Ex website and not the game – and suggested the stolen information had already been leaked.

It had been suggested that the attack was conducted by a splinter cell of Anonymous, the group blamed by Sony for last month's devastating PlayStation Network compromise.

But Venuism, speaking for a group dissatisfied at being blamed for the hack, said it had nothing to do with Anonymous. He also insisted that he, along with others, are being "framed" by rival hackers.

"We are being blamed/framed because we share a history with some of the people responsible for this hack," he told Eurogamer.

"The main perpetrator "ev0" aka "xyz" has a vendetta against us over this history. The reasoning behind it was most likely that he thinks we will get into trouble with authorities.

"He isn't responsible for the 'hack' since he is not really capable, he is however responsible for defacing of the sites and the leaking of the information.

"The majority of the people who knew and participated in the hack are from Gnosis, the group responsible for hack of Gawker late last year, who have insisted they are not Anonymous.

"We knew about the hack yesterday, and one of us went as far as to contact Eidos to try and warn them about a potential data leak. They were, however, unreceptive and insisted in the event something like this happened it would be an internal matter."

Venuism said he and his friends like Deus Ex and "do not want to hurt people around the internet". "That's not our style," he said.

"We are not 'whitehats', but we will not scam you, steal credit cards and do dirty stuff with them."

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