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How to find all of the Starcats in Destiny 2

Tracking down all the cosmic kitties.

As the Guardians of Destiny 2 untangle the schemes of Riven and the wish granting Ahamkara, a new invasion has taken place. But unlike previous invasions this one doesn’t involve the Vex, or Cabal, or even the Hive. No this is an invasion of… cats?

That’s right, celestial felines known as Starcats have hidden themselves all around the Solar System, and it’s up to you to track them all down. We’ve done the leg work to locate all of these adorable and tiny apex predators, and bring to you this Starcat guide, showing you where to find all the Starcat locations in Destiny 2.

Within the Garden of Plenty in Riven's Lair, This Starcat likes to peer down from a place of power

Garden of Plenty, Riven’s Lair

This Starcat, like many others, is in one of the many possible rooms in Riven’s Lair. You can run Riven’s lair repeatedly until you get lucky, or run The Coil and just keep going until it comes up. When you get to The Garden of Plenty run all the way to the back of the area, and turn left just before the staircase. The cat is a small ledge-step down on the side of the cliff.

Within the Blind Well, this Starcat likes to wait by the door

The Blind Well, Dreaming City

This is one of the easier cats to find. Load it into the blind well from the Director in the Dreaming City. Run straight ahead at the large doors. The cat will be waiting, nestled at the center where the double doors meet.

Within the Temple of the Queen’s Wrath in Riven’s Lair, this Starcat likes to hide in nooks

Temple of the Queen’s Wrath, Riven’s Lair

Launch into Riven’s Lair or The Coil and keep running until the Temple of the Queen’s Wrath comes up. We recommend running Riven's Lair, and checking the name of the mission as soon as you load in. If it says 'Tautology', then Temple of the Queen's Wrath will appear. As soon as you arrive in the room, look right to see an opening to an adjoining hall. Enter that and take another right (forming a bit of a u-turn maneuver). There are two version of this room/mission. You may see table when you loop back, this means you are in the wrong room and need to try again. If you see a statue, then you are in the right place. This feline is nestled right behind that statue.

Within the Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector, this Starcat likes to calculate gravity

Chamber of Starlight, Dreaming City

Go to the dreaming city and make your way to Rheasilvia. You will need to enter the Chamber of Starlight Lost sector. The entrance is in the corner of the chasm that bisects this region. Fight your way to the large room, to the right will be a platform, likely guarded by the boss. Grab your celestial kitty from the table in this area.

Within the Bay of Drowned Wishes Lost Sector, this Starcat likes pondering orbs

Bay of Drowned, Dreaming City

This cat is in the Bay of Drowned wished lost sector, located directly behind where you enter the Devalin mists of the Dreaming City. Fight though until you reach the cave with the boss and chest. Look on the ledge up and to the right of that chest to find the Star Cat waiting for your offering.

Within the Aphelion's Rest Lost Sector, this Starcat likes to sit in the bowl

Aphelion’s Rest, Dreaming City

Next up is another Dreaming City Lost sector, this time you are looking for Aphaelions Rest, back behind the cliffs on the far edge of The Strand region. Once you are inside, fight to the boss area and look up the raised cliff behind the chest to find this feline.

Within the Gnashing Chamber in Riven’s Lair, this Starcat appreciates fine art

Gnashing Chamber, Riven’s Lair

Keep diving into Riven’s Lair or The Coil until you end up in the Gnashing Chamber. At the center of this room is a circular platform with a pool of light. Look left (with your back facing where you entered from) to see a table with various accouterments. The cat will be right on top of the table (probably waiting for a chance to knock something over).

Within the Reaver’s Orison in Riven’s Lair, this Starcat likes to root around

Reaver’s Orison, Riven’s Lair

Yet another Starcat hidden inside Riven’s Lair. Once again you’ll need to run Riven’s Lair or The Coil until random chance puts this room in your path. As soon as you arrive at Reavers Osiris look slightly to the right at the gnarled, black tree. The cat is taking refuge tucked among the roots to the right.

Within the Cell of the Sycophant in Riven’s Lair, this Starcat likes to hide in shrubbery

Cell of the Sycophant, Riven’s Lair

The next of the Riven’s Lair Starcats will require you to once again do runs of Riven’s Lair or The Coil until you reach a room called the Cell of the Sycophant. Once you enter this arena look towards the right side wall. There’s a large door at the center. Follow the wall further right, and the cat will be nestled near the corner.

Spine of Keres: Keeps Techeuns company

Spine of Keres, Dreaming City

Load into the Dreaming City, and travel to the Spine of Keres region by following the cliff lines in a long, looping counterclockwise path. Once you reach the Spine of Keres there will be a towering building. Head inside and locate the balcony with a person standing on it. The cat is resting right next to them.

Within the Harbinger’s Seclude, this Starcat likes to spend time with friends

Harbinger’s Seclude, Dreaming City

Next your path takes you to Harbingers Seclude. This is the large building to your left when you travel to Rheasilvia in the Dreaming City. Enter the structure and you will eventually come to a room with a massive taken blight on the left. Go straight ahead, pass through the door, and jump down from the balcony in the next room. Now turn around, move forward, and jump down into the deep shaft. Enter the circular area and look for a small side room with the Ahamkara Skull for Muninn (not Huhinn, who is in the next room over). Look behind the table Muninn is sitting on to find the sneaky feline hiding,

Within the Garden’s of Esila, this Starcat likes to hide near the water’s edge

Garden’s of Esila, Dreaming City

This one is in the Gardens of Esila, accessed through the southwest corner of The Strand. Once you reach this space, move forwards through the enemies until the area curves to the right. You will see a small building and a bridge. The cat is under this bridge.

Within the Confluence, this Starcat likes to stare into the void

The Confluence, Dreaming City

Travel to the Spine of Keres, similar to the seventh cat. This time don’t actually enter the building. Instead, when you reach the bridge leading inside, look for the path down and to the right that wraps around the nearby cliff. This will lead to a portal. Take it, and you will transport to the confluence. Head straight down the corridors and look for the large, round mass of blighted vines. That cat will be sitting nonchalantly at the base of these.

Within the Astral Cloister in Riven’s Lair, this Starcat likes to enjoy its solitude

The Astral Cloister, Riven’s Lair

The final Riven’s Lair Starcat is in the Astral Cloister. Once again you will need to continue running either Riven’s Lair or the Coil until you are sent into this area, made of up a series of floating platforms covered in enemies. There are multiple exit portal options, look around until you see one near this lone 'island' with a statue atop it. The cat will be near the glowing blue ball behind the statue. Note that there is a bug that can make the cat invisible, as it is in the screenshot above. Look for the message, 'Present a Gift' and press the bottom prompt to collect the kitty, visible or not.

Within the Black Garden… wait, how did this Starcat get here?

Starcrossed, Exotic Mission

This one takes some work. The Starcrossed mission is unlocked over the course of the Wishing all the Best weekly quests. This cat is located at the very end of Starcrossed, in a portal located behind the large skeleton, atop a cliff. However you will need to jump through some hoops in order to build a path up to it and open the portal.

First you will need to complete Starcrossed for the first time and earn the Wish-Keeper exotic bow. Next you will need to visit Mara Sov in the H.E.L.M. and collect the four Wish-Keeper Catalyst missions. You will need to complete all four of them to reach the Cat. Our full guide will walk you through the process.

It’s worth keeping in mind that all four quests will require you to complete Starcrossed on Legend difficulty, so it’s best to advance each to that step and complete them in one fell swoop. That will also put you in position to climb the platforms, go through the portal, and grab the kitty at the end of the hallway.

Good luck finding the Starcats in Destiny 2!

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