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Delightfully silly Battlefield 2042 trailer shows of grappling hooks, zipwires, and air-dropped tanks

Hang fire.

Battlefield 2042 got a new trailer in Xbox's E3 showcase, and it's a silly one.

It's all in-game captured footage from an Xbox Series X, showing off the chaos of the game's new 128-person battles and a range of new toys.

Battlefield 2042's enjoyable over-the-top new trailerWatch on YouTube

The highlights include a tank being air-dropped into battle via parachute, a grappling hook that should open up some new opportunities for the more ingenuitive campers (and anti-campers), some cross-skyscraper ziplines, a desert cyclone, and a rocket launching into the atmosphere. There's a nice tone to it all, too - clearly DICE is aware of the more ridiculous stunts the Battlefield community has become known for pulling off.

We recently learned that Battlefield 2042 will have no campaign or battle royale mode - and if you're after plenty more on it, here are Martin's thoughts from his Battlefield 2042 preview and interview, where he called it "a radical return to the series' roots".

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