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Day Z Video Diary, Day 3: I'm a Survivor! (feat. Dean Rocket Hall)

In which James follows survival tips from none other than Day Z creator Dean Hall - and attempts a raid.

How best to describe EGTV's James Hill's early attempts to acquit himself in the world of Day Z? Heroic? Probably not - bemused, frightened and at times a little clueless seem a little more apt (sorry James!)

So for the third part of his video diary James turns to Day Z creator Dean Hall (what a dish!) to get some guidance in how best to negotiate the zombie-infested wilderness. Does it make him any better? It certainly gives him the courage to pull off some successful raids, though it doesn't make him any less terrified when the night draws in.

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Have you missed the previous installments of our Day Z diaries? Go play catch-up by heading to the entries for Day 1 and Day 2.

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