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DayZ servers infected by botnet security breach

Developers mull legal action against rogue forum admin.

ArmA 2 zombie mod DayZ has suffered a security breach after one of the game's forum admins deliberately uploaded an infected .exe file to the game's servers.

The culprit was able to gain access to the staff's main email account, which contained the game's various FTP details.

The infected file, dayz_auto_uploader.exe, hides its processes within your computer once it has been downloaded.

A post on the official DayZ forums links to a ThreatExport report on the bot, with details on its location should you be infected.

DayZ staff are now looking to launch legal procedings against the hacker.

"His actions are going to dig him into a very deep hole and I assume he doesn't care or believes it to be a bluff like any normal person would," DayZ staff member "Tonic" explained. "Well we're not going to bluff and your actions against the forums are going to further lead us to peruse [sic] legal actions."

"I would strongly advise this person to stop his actions otherwise. DayZ is becoming a very strong community and beloved by many communities. It would be ill advised to continue what you're doing, the community does not appreciate what you're doing and I feel you will anger the zombies *Ahh everyone run*."

Not heard of DayZ? Eurogamer's Quintin Smith recently named the PC shooter mod as possibly the best zombie game ever made.

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