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Crysis 3 multiplayer survival mode Hunter revealed

Can you turn the tables?

Crytek unveiled the intriguing Hunter multiplayer survival mode at Gamescom today.

The game's for two teams, for a total of 16 players. There's a 90-second time limit.

On one side are the powerfully armed C.E.L.L. troopers. They start with more players, and their mission is to survive - survive against the Hunters.

The Hunters wear the nanosuits but are armed only with the bow. Each time they kill a C.E.L.L. trooper, the trooper respawns as a Hunter.

A team of seven C.E.L.L. troopers and two Hunters demonstrated the Hunter mode on stage. Slowly but surely, the troopers were converted and the tide turned, until one trooper nervously ran for his life with around 20 seconds to go.

We'll add a video of all this if and when one becomes available.

It's Hunter from Gladiators! Oh wait no it's not.

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