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Crysis 2's hero in third-person is terrifying, hilarious

A truly out of body experience.

What happens when a first-person game never shows your character in third-person? You probably imagine yourself as a human hero, the chap on the box, but chances are you're actually a terrifying alien creature with a shape-shifting liquid spine.

That's certainly the case with Crysis 2, which a Redditer found modded footage of, revealing what your character actually looks like (via Kotaku).

Things must be awkward when Crysis 2's hero goes on a date and doesn't look anything like his online profile pic.

Since you never see your own body in Crysis 2, there was never a reason for the developer to animate a waist or full head for this camera with a gun. Only his limbs have detail as you can actually see those. But the closer you get towards his center, the more he resembles the Thing crossed with a black tar monster.

The weird thing is that Crysis 2 has multiplayer, so there are fully animated third-person character models in the game. But the campaign's hero is unique. He doesn't need such frivolous body parts.

Now one shudders to think what Mirror's Edge's leading lady Faith looks like with her fake limbs dangling about.

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