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Creative Assembly doing sports game

Aussie studio targeting PC, PS3 and 360.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Creative Assembly's Australian studio is working on a sports title for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 according to various job adverts.

One indiscreet listing on Gamasutra (thanks Kotaku) said: "Do you have experience in leading teams on next-gen console titles? The Creative Assembly is currently seeking a passionate and creative Lead Gameplay Programmer for our upcoming next-gen sports title."

The advert listed platforms as PS3, Xbox 360 and Windows.

The sports angle is corroborated by posts on LinkedIn and Queensland Games - the latter said, "CA is currently working on a high profile casual sports game which is yet to be announced."

A slightly less revealing job post on our sister site asks for "Video Game Character Artwork, Real World; Sport or Cinematic" under "Demo reel requirements".

Creative Assembly is best known for its Total War titles, produced in the company's studio in Horsham, West Sussex (REPRESENT), but it also has an outpost in Australia and does have sports pedigree, having worked on Rugby titles for EA Sports.

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