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Fans believe a new Overwatch hero called Sombra could be unveiled on Monday

She's maybe a support sniper, and maybe Pharah's mother.

Blizzard may unveil a new Overwatch hero called Sombra on Monday, who may even be Pharah's mother - a former agent of Overwatch whose whereabouts have never been explained. Sombra appears to have a long-range weapon and there's speculation she may play a support role.

NeoGAF member Nirolak compiled various sources of evidence which revolve around the upcoming Soldier 76 animated short due to air in cinemas on Monday.

The trail begins with a French cinema-chain claiming, in a poster, that a new Overwatch hero would be unveiled during the event. It then backtracked and said it was a typo (a helluva typo).

The French poster.

The theory revolves around Soldier 76 being in Dorado. You see, on the Mexican map of Dorado there are classified files for Soldier 76 (Jack Morrison) and someone called Sombra. There's also a newspaper open on the floor of the town square with an article asking, "Who is Sombra?" What's more, the computer screens on the map flash up with warnings that read "Protocolo Sombra". This is all shown and explained very well by YouTube channel FailCraft.

Watch on YouTube

Sombra is referenced by evil character Reaper in an in-game voice line. He asks, "Where is Sombra when you need her?" So we know Sombra is a she and that she's probably evil because Reaper wants her around. Reaper was once the leader of Overwatch's covert ops team Blackwatch, only back then he was called Gabriel Reyes and he didn't wear a mask. He was one of the original Overwatch team along with his enhanced soldier buddy Jack Morrison, who is now Soldier 76, and who led Overwatch for 20 years. Pharah's mother was also a part of Overwatch back then, and you can see a picture of them altogether below. Pharah's mother has an eye marking like Pharah, and she carries a long range weapon.

The old, original, Overwatch team.

Soldier 76's mission now is to bring down those who brought Overwatch down, and he's targeting all kinds of shady operations because of this - operations like Lumerica, apparently, which owns the power plant on Dorado where all this evidence can be found. Soldier 76 even has a voice line saying, "I want to know what Lumerico's been up to." But exactly what the Sombra Protocol is, isn't clear.

In addition to all this theory waffling a picture of a hooded character with a long-range weapon can be found on Route 66 - a method Blizzard used to tease character D. Va before her introduction. You can also see a similar hooded character on the game's character select screen in GameSpot's videos about the creation of Overwatch.

Look there, on the screen on the right.

So far all of the animated shorts have featured one or more characters from the game fighting. Will the Soldier 76 animated short do the same, and pitch him against Sombra, who is possibly Pharah's mother? Are you even still reading at this point?

Blizzard's most recent animated short.Watch on YouTube

For all the latest Overwatch hero, map and gameplay guides, visit our sister site MetaBomb

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