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City of Heroes Issue 10 out

Help each other, spandexers.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

NCsoft has just released free expansion Issue 10: Invasion for City of Heroes and City of Villains.

It will kick off with a server-wide event where you goodies and baddies will have to forget your super-grudges and unite against the evil Rikti, who really badly more-than-anything-in-the-world-Ron want to invade your planet.

The Rikti Crash Site has become the epicentre of the invasion, and is now know as the Rikti War Zone. Only those of you with powers between level 35 and 50 will be able to explore here, as you try to destroy Pylons and unexploded bombs to gain access to the mother ship.

But you'll get plenty of new bits to play around with and help you, including a new Workbench where you can make dazzling tight-fitting costumes to throw-off your opponents, as well as heavy support machines to do your bidding.

There's also plenty of other quests to get stuck into, and even a special Task Force challenge for those over level 45 in packs of six to eight.

"This expansion unleashes total war where aliens and earthlings get great new weapons to bludgeon each other with. We think this will be great fun," said chief commissioner Gordon. Er, lead designer Matt Miller.

"The fact that both heroes and villains need to join together to defeat a common enemy is a comic book convention that helps to add greater depth and excitement to City of Heroes and City of Villains."

You can pick up the Good Versus Evil Edition pack pretty cheaply these days, and it includes all of the expansions so far - although there's probably a lot of patching to do.

But if you want to try the super-hero MMORPG before you buy, then head over to our 14-day trial key giveaway that is miraculously still going.

Those of you already playing might want to turn your super-attention to the Eurogamers City of Heroes group to see what everyone else is up to. It's enormous and filled with spandex.

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