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Capcom mentions Mega Man online game

Trumpets new strategy after poor results.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Capcom has mentioned a Mega Man online game as part of a new development strategy aimed at reversing a steep decline in its income.

According to GameSpot, Mega Man Online - which may or may not be related to the recent Mega Man Universe trademark - is a PC online game being co-developed with South Korea's Neowiz Games.

The drive into the Asian PC games market spearheaded by this Mega Man game is just one part of a multi-pronged attempt to revitalise the publisher's fortunes. Capcom is also aiming to cut development time on its biggest games, take a more "rigorous" stance on working with oversees partners, and devote 20 to 30 per cent of its resources to creating original games.

The slump in Capcom's financial fortunes - net income fell 73 per cent in the company's last fiscal year, and revenues 27 per cent - was blamed partly on the poor sales of Dark Void and Bionic Commando. The publisher admitted "inadequate know-how about supervising outsourced operations and overly optimistic plans".

But it's looking ahead to a far rosier current fiscal year, with the forthcoming Monster Hunter Portable 3, Dead Rising 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and the current Lost Planet 2 all expected to sell very well.

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