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Call of Duty Police Warfare "fan made pitch" becomes Kickstarter

Former Assassin's Creed 2, Grand Theft Auto 4 devs want your cash.

Call of Duty Police Warfare, the "fan made pitch" many thought was a real game Activision was working on, has turned out to be a real game developers are working on.

It's called Police Warfare, a multiplayer first-person shooter in development at Elastic Games, a new US studio made up of developers who used to work on the likes of Assassin's Creed 2, Killzone 2 and Grand Theft Auto 4.

The game has been in pre-production for six months - and now Elastic has done the done thing and launched a Kickstarter to get enough money to start production.

"Imagine a game that draws inspiration from the large scale, multiplayer experience of a title such as Battlefield 3, and combines it with the cops and robbers style of Grant Theft Auto and HEAT," reads the game's Kickstarter page.

"Welcome to Police Warfare; a multiplayer first person shooter set in the world of armed robbery and law enforcement. Players will go toe-to-toe as either a member of the Los Angeles Police SWAT team, or the opposite side of the law, robbing banks as an armed gunman."

In among concept art and a flashy announcement trailer, Elastic likens Police Warfare to Battlefield 1943, "in that it's a small but extremely high quality shooter built for digital download". "Something that you can pick up and play for just a few minutes and have the same great experience as if you're sinking hundreds of hours into it."

Elastic Games wants $325,000. With 371 backers it has $12,089 so far. Pledge and you'll get the finished game as a download for PC plus access to the multiplayer beta. If it exceeds its goal it will add content and expand to other platforms, including PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

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