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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's new gun is so broken it makes you look like a cheater

See right through you.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone launched season six this week - and with it added a new gun that's more than a bit broken.

The AS Val, one of two new guns added to the game with season six, has a pretty devastating bug with the SPP 10-round magazine attachment.

This attachment gives the weapon special armour-piercing ammunition designed for increased penetration, and that's exactly what you get - except to a game-breaking level. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare does have the "wall bang" kill type - that is, you can already shoot through some surfaces if the bullets you're using have enough penetration (the FMJ attachment boosts this effect). But we've never seen anything quite like this.

As Call of Duty YouTuber TheXclusiveAce discovered (check out the video below), AS Val combined with the SPP mag means you can shoot through walls - multiple walls, any wall, really - and you don't appear to lose damage. Yep, it's a bug. A very nasty bug. It's so bad, you can shoot through entire buildings like they're made out of paper.

Watch on YouTube

And of course now this bug has made its way into the wider Call of Duty community consciousness, players are making the most of it. Combined with a snapshot grenade, which reveals the enemy position, the AS Val is causing havoc.

Here's a clip of the gun in a competitive online match:

The Semi-Auto VAL ammunition can shoot through EVERYTHING! from r/modernwarfare

Here's the craziest: a player starts a match, then shoots through all the buildings on the map to the other side to kill an enemy where the spawn.

Crossmap VAL Shot- LMFAO from r/modernwarfare

Campers beware, then! While I'm sure developer Infinity Ward will want to fix this gun as soon as possible, it's disappointing to see it hit the game with such a devastating bug. This really is one of the worst bugs I've seen in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and, sadly, it's not the first time this has happened. In August, players noticed the 12-Gauge Deputy underbarrel shotgun attachment for the FR 556 assault rifle was broken beyond belief, dishing out insane damage at a range no underbarrel shotgun should.

One of the worrying things about this bug, though, is I can see plenty of players who die to this gun in this way will report their opponent for cheating. I mean, can you blame them?

So! Have your fun - for now. Those outrageous wall bangs won't be long for this world.

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