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Bungie pulls tonight's livestream to confront Destiny 2 criticism

Blog post from studio leadership due this evening.

After a week of criticism, Destiny 2 developer Bungie has pulled tonight's planned Curse of Osiris DLC livestream. Instead, it will release a blog post penned by studio leadership to address the current atmosphere of anger which has engulfed in the game's community.

Right now, Destiny 2 feels at a tipping point. Just days from the launch of the game's first DLC, it's hard to remember a time when there was greater tension within the game's vocal community.

Long-term issues with Destiny 2's token economy, end-game content, bugs and balance have bubbled away under the surface for months. But, over the weekend, fan anger boiled over when Destiny 2 was discovered to contain a hidden system which slowed progress towards your next free Bright Engram reward.

Tonight, fans are expecting to hear from Destiny 2 top dog Luke Smith and number two Mark Noseworthy. The community wants an explanation for all of the above, a specific timetable for when things will improve, and hopefully some insight on why Bungie has stumbled trying to address everything so far.

"We had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of Curse of Osiris to show off some of the weapons and armour the expansion includes," Bungie community boss David "Deej" Dague explained last night via a post on the game's forum.

"Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2. You'll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they'll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you'll also learn about how we're reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks."

At first, it had appeared that Bungie staff were planning to face the music on camera - and so some fans called foul when it was announced they would simply see a blog post instead.

"Every medium has its strengths and weaknesses," Dague continued, speaking to fans on Twitter. "We'll do a more effective job of delivering context and specific details with the written word (and some images). There will be other opportunities to highlight personalities who make cool stuff.

"I'd ask you to talk to me again tomorrow. I feel pretty strongly that the blog content we're editing will have a better impact than an armor parade."

The blog post is expected to go live early this evening UK time, when Bungie's Seattle studio awakes.

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