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Bleszinski dismisses Gears of War 3 leaks

Claims we're not getting the full story.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski has urged gamers not to take leaked information about Gears of War 3 too seriously.

Yesterday scans of a Russian magazine's Gears 3 preview appeared on the internet, and spoiler-filled translations followed.

"Please don't trust badly translated leaked scanned info on Gears 3. Lots of false info out there," Bleszinski tweeted.

"Gears 3 is nothing like Waterworld, my friends, you're doing it wrong. The Raven's Nest is only one level," he added.

The Raven's Nest is a reference to a giant man-made island built out of warships, which was pictured in the scans.

According to translations, most of the game would take place on and beneath it - the point Bleszinski seemed to dispute.

The translated details also made claims - spoilers ahead - about the game's story and equipment.

Apparently we should expect Marcus Fenix, Dom and Cole to be joined by a now battle-hardened Anya and Marcus' dad, Adam.

The details - gathered by Kotaku prior to the translation thread's deletion on the Epic forums - also mentioned mechs called Silverbacks and refined difficulty levels.

The article reportedly also said to expect more stories in the Gears world following its release, with Gears 3 set to complete Marcus' story.

Gears of War 3 was unveiled last month, has a four-player co-op campaign and the story will be written by Gears novelist Karen Traviss.

The game's due out on 8th April 2011.

Even bigger, better and more badass, presumably.

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