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BioWare's Command & Conquer: Generals 2 repurposed for new free-to-play venture

RTS series to live and evolve online.

BioWare's Command & Conquer: Generals 2 game has changed. It's become part of a bigger, evolving, free-to-play, online beast called Command & Conquer.

It's described as a platform, service and a "client-based game" by EA. And it kicks off on PC in 2013.

EA's press release mentioned the Generals universe representing "the first of many free offerings within the storied franchise EA is planning to launch with Command & Conquer".

EA also mentioned C&C would "evolve and develop with an expanding array of new content based on community feedback".

I suppose this is one way of protecting against PC piracy.

The repurposed Generals 2 game, built by BioWare Victory, will still be underpinned by the Frostbite 2 engine and looks relatively unchanged (trailer below).

You can sign up for the Command & Conquer beta on the website.

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