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Bethesda's Todd Howard might've just teased an Indiana Jones reveal for 2024

"We'll talk next year."

All eyes might currently be on BigOl'Spacegame, but there's plenty more happening behind-the-scenes at Bethesda, one of those things obviously being MachineGames' Indiana Jones and The Great Circle - which, depending how you choose to interpret four words from Bethesda's Todd Howard, might just be gearing up for a proper reveal next year.

Bethesda announced it had an Indiana Jones game in the works - with Wolfenstein studio MachineGames at the helm - all the way back in January 2021, warning, "It'll be some time before we have more to reveal." And, true to its word, the project has remained shrouded in secrecy since - although we do at least now have confirmation, thanks to an FTC hearing testimony from Bethesda's Pete Hines, that it'll be releasing exclusively on Xbox and PC.

So with Bethesda's Indy announcement steadily approaching its third anniversary, a persistent question has been, "When will we see more?", and Todd Howard has now maybe teased - in an interview with Esquire - that the project will be getting a proper reveal sometime next year.

Bethesda's Indiana Jones teaser trailer from back in 2021.Watch on YouTube

While the bulk of Esquire's feature is understandably concerned with Starfield's launch, the interviewer did find time to broach the topic of Indiana Jones. "It can be brought to video games in a unique way," Howard responded. "The game is obviously: you're exploring stuff. It's about him. So if you're playing the game, how do you feel that you are indeed playing versus just watching?". And with that carefully guarded answer, the interview ends, only for Howard to add with a smile, as the interviewer heads for the door, "We'll talk next year."

So there you go; is that anything close to confirmation a full Indiana Jones reveal is coming in 2024? Absolutely not. Am I excited enough about the prospect of a MachineGames-developed Indiana Jones title that I am willing to latch onto anything even slightly resembling positive news and write 350 words about it? You bet. Now all we have to do is wait.

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