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Bertie talks to games writer Rhianna Pratchett

The Tomb Raider writer talks bringing back Fighting Fantasy and more.

If you're as old as I am, you probably have fond memories of the Fighting Fantasy choose-your-own adventure books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. Now Fighting Fantasy is back and it welcomes a new author into the fold: none other than Rhianna Pratchett, lead writer on the most recent series of Tomb Raider games (and daughter of fantasy legend Terry). Rhianna's Fighting Fantasy volume, called Crystal of Storms, will be out soon.

A little while ago, Bertie Purchese had a chance to interview Rhianna about Fighting Fantasy and writing for games in general. It's a lovely, wide-ranging chat that has just streamed as part of PAX Online x EGX Digital - and you can watch it now in the embed below.

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PAX x EGX, which is operated by our parent company ReedPop, is running all week, concludes on Sunday 20th September and is completely free. Check out the full livestream schedule and the virtual show floor for more.

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