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Battlefield 3 Premium unlocks early DLC access - report

All upcoming expansions for one-time fee.

The heavily-rumoured Battlefield 3 Premium service will offer subscribers early access to all of the game's upcoming expansions.

Premium's one-off fee will cover the cost of all five upcoming Battlefield expansion packs, reputable fan site Battlefieldo reported - a similar model to Activision's Call of Duty Elite service.

Battlefield 3 Premium will include upcoming expansions Close Quarters (due 12th June), Armored Kill (due in autumn) and End Game (slated for launch this winter). An as-yet unannounced piece of "bonus content" is due in August, and a fifth and final expansion is allegedly on the way for March 2013.

New camos [sounds an awful lot like Camaros -Ed] and other exclusive in-game items will also be bundled into the service.

"First out is the one-of-a-kind Premium knife and black dog tag, plus a set of soldier camos, weapon camos, dog tags and Assignments that will make sure you stand out and get more personalisation options," a leaked description of the service previously revealed.

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters footage.

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