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Batman scribe Paul Dini not working on Rocksteady's next title

Writer "unavailable to take on anything new until 2013."

Batman: The Animated Series writer - and creator of Harley Quinn - Paul Dini is not working on Rocksteady's rumoured follow-up to Arkham City, after penning the first two games in the series.

The award-winning writer initially tweeted, "Kinda hoped I'd be doing another Arkham game in London during the Olympics. Esp, as I had a good source for tx. Ah, well."

When a follower asked point-blank, "Are you working on another Arkham game?" he replied, "No."

Of course this could have been a sly piece of misdirection as Rocksteady's next may not be an "Arkham" game at all. Instead, it's rumoured to be based around the Justice League of America, something that Warner Bros. has yet to confirm.

Unfortunately Dini updated his LiveJournal to explain that wasn't the case either as he'd been wondering if his services were going to be needed again for the next game.

"When I asked about the possibility of working on a third game I was told that as Rocksteady had just finished wrapping the second one, it would be a while before everyone was ready to sit down and discuss future plans. That said, it was intimated that for future games, Warner and Rocksteady might not be looking as much to freelance writers, the message being, that if had something else interesting coming my way, I might want to take it," he wrote.

"When I later read their subsequent announcements about the Harley Quinn's Revenge game expansion and the rumored Arkham prequel/JLA game, I figured they had filled their writer needs. I had long before taken WI's advice and booked my schedule with a number of other projects, leaving me unavailable to take on anything new until 2013."

He added that there was no animosity between himself and Rocksteady and it "would be cool" if they could collaborate again in the future.

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