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Bastion confirmed for XBLA

Warner Bros picks up gorgeous indie RPG.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Easy-on-the-eye indie RPG Bastion hits Xbox Live Arcade this summer, new publisher Warner Bros. Interactive has announced.

First announced as a PC-only affair, the Supergiant Games-developed title will now debut on Xbox 360 following a new deal with Warner Bros, before migrating to PC later in the year.

"We're thrilled to be working with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on Bastion," said Amir Rao, Studio Director of Supergiant Games.

"Warner Bros. instantly saw the potential of our original game world and narrative style, and is providing Supergiant Games with the support and autonomy we need to make Bastion an amazing experience."

As you should be able to tell from the trailer below, the game is a top-down role player firmly in the Diablo/Zelda tradition.

You'll take on the role of 'The Kid' who has survived a cataclysmic event that has reduced his world to rubble. You'll need to construct a safe haven for him and his loved ones, journey into the unknown and confront various malevolent beasts.

Apparently you'll be able to forge an array of customisable weapons and gain new powers from specially-brewed spirits. Beer scooter confirmed?

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