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As PlayStation 4 looms, Sony says PlayStation 3 is in "prime time"

All roads lead to Tokyo Game Show for super slim announcement.

As the PlayStation 4 looms ever larger on the horizon, Sony has said the ageing PlayStation 3 is in "prime time".

This November the PS3 will be six years old, and reports indicate next year Sony will release its successor, the PS4, into the wild.

That may be cause for some non-PS3 owners to feel it better to wait for the PS4. But according to Sony Worldwide Studios chief Shuhei Yoshida, there has never been a better time to jump in.

"PS3 is I think in prime time," he said. "It's a great time for consumers to look at purchasing PS3 this year. There are a variety of games coming out and new and exciting games coming out next year.

"At the same time the library of games we are able to offer at a very affordable price - we just announced the Essentials line in Europe. So, for the budget conscious consumer it's a perfect new platform to join this Christmas."

But what of those who already own a PS3? Yoshida pointed to Naughty Dog stunner The Last of Us and David Cage thriller Beyond as examples of the kind of games that prove Sony is prepared to invest in eye-catching PS3 exclusives even at this late stage in the console's life.

"For people who own PS3, rest assured new content is still coming," he said. "Games like Last of Us and Beyond look amazing compared to the early PS3 titles. There's still something surprising happening on the platform."

Typically, consoles sell most towards the end of their lifecycles when the price is at its lowest.

The PS3 super slim - perhaps the worst-kept secret in the industry - looks set for a Tokyo Game Show announcement, although Yoshida refused to be drawn on it when quizzed by Eurogamer. "That's a rumour," he said. "There are lots of different kinds of rumours on the internet."

We've heard that Sony will cut the price of the PS3 this year, but Yoshida said he was happy with the current price.

"We are very happy with where we are in terms of PS3: the services, games and the pricing included," Yoshida said. "So, there's no plan for any change we can talk about."

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