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Multi-platform Enclave II underway

That'll be the 'breeze

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Enclave II is in development for PS2, Xbox, GameCube and PC. This according to developer Starbreeze Studios, which, despite having canned non-paying publisher Swing last month, has been flying the flag for its now publisher-less sequel.

Enclave II is set in the aftermath of the first game's war between outlanders and enclavers, in an era that sees magic stripped from the land. Not so much of a problem, you might think, except The Light Book, which speaks of a land filled with magic, has fallen into the hands of a Callia the evil sorceress, and must be retrieved by a young, LOTR-sounding apprentice sorcerer called Erlendur lest she use it to seize control of the land's inherent magical powers. It's a race against magic - first to the Enclave wins.

Rather like the first game, Erlendur will not be alone in his quest, with 10 different playable characters available at various points throughout the game. And from the sound of the plot, the Swedish developer is lining up two separate good/evil campaigns once again. We also know that there will be a total of 28 unique maps (plus the bonus maps), with over 100 weapons and the usual array of puzzles, hand-to-hand combat and beautiful motion-captured animation. Some of the main highlights in Enclave were its stunning visuals, and we fully expect the sequel to expand upon them, taking us to new locations and serving some top-end polys. Judging by the concept art on the developer's website, Starbreeze already has ambitious plans for the game's environments.

An official release date for Enclave II has yet to be announced.

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