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Sleepless Knights

Denis Dyack comments on Eternal Darkness developer's progress

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Planet GameCube has taken to the DICE summit and extracted a progress update from Denis Dyack on all things gaming going on at Silicon Knights. In cryptic fashion (what else would you expect from the Tome of Eternal Darkness?), Dyack confirmed that multiple games are in development, that something will be on show at E3 in May (perhaps not playable though), and that "futuristic psychological thriller" Too Human is still in development. However, he also said that Eternal Darkness' many loose ends may be explored in a new game someway down the line, cheekily refusing to confirm if such a game was anything other than a ruse for some free press.

As fans of ED, we're more interested in Too Human.

Source: Planet GameCube

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