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PlayStation prisoners

Software First reveals the criminal element's favourite games

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

In one of the more bizarre press releases to pass across our desks in recent weeks, European e-tailer Software First has revealed the top ten games most commonly shipped to inmates in British prisons. Yes, it appears that consoles systems are commonly available in jails across the country, with the PlayStation apparently the most popular amongst felons. No doubt Sony are already working on a bizarre new prison advertising campaign directed by David Lynch...

The Tomb Raider series tops the charts, with the legally dubious exploits of Lara Croft presumably going down a storm with burglars. Second place goes to the gory zombie horror games of the Resident Evil series, with Syphon Filter in third. Even more worrying is the presence of crime 'em up Grand Theft Auto and pedestrian splattering racer Carmageddon in the top ten. We would hazard a guess that these two are particularly popular with carjackers, joy riders and hit-and-run drivers everywhere.

Amusingly William Flatau of Software First commented that this "does present an interesting moral dilemma", although the company currently seems to be happy to continue shipping gory games to prisoners. "As adults, our customers are free to choose whatever games they like; but do we really want inmates playing games with such graphical imagery as Resident Evil, or titles featuring car thefts and shoot-outs like the Grand Theft Auto series?"

Perhaps we should be sending them copies of such wholesome, relaxing games as Microsoft Train Simulator and Action Bass instead?

Source - press release

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