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Game On?

Thousand player LAN planned for August bank holiday weekend

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

have announced that they are holding what they hope will be the UK's largest ever LAN party over the August Bank Holiday weekend, with room for up to a thousand players to frag it out. Taking place in Derby, the event will last for the full four days (Friday to Monday) and entry for the whole weekend costs just £40. We must admit that we've not heard of these folks before, although they have run over 30 (much smaller) LAN events since way back in 1998.

It's also unfortunate that they have picked the same weekend as Multiplay, who are holding their own 800 player i8 event in Newbury after a string of large-scale LANs over the last couple of years. You really have to wonder if there are really 1800 hardcore LAN gamers out there to fill both of the parties. Entry to i8 is a rather hefty £70 for the whole weekend, but we've always had a good time when we've been to an i-series event in the past.

Then there's the Official UK Tribes 2 Cup, with the country's two top teams due to be battling it out in the finals at the LAN Arena venue in Maidenhead .. on the August Bank Holiday weekend. Three events, one weekend. Decisions, decisions...

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