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Wolfenstein trailer returns

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Despite recent reports that the footage of Return to Castle Wolfenstein shown at E3 last month wouldn't be released online due to an argument between Activision and Fox Interactive over a piece of music from Aliens used in the trailer, the footage was finally released on FilePlanet last night. And then promptly withdrawn at the request of Activision, who apparently hadn't approved it for release. A few hours later it popped up again, this time on GameSpot, where you can currently download the trailer as a 33Mb MPG, or get it in a variety of other formats from their download page.

Bizarrely the trailer still includes the offending music from Aliens, so either Fox Interactive dropped their objections or this is another unauthorised release, in which case you might want to "grab it while it's hot". The music doesn't even fit the trailer particularly well (in this writer's opinion at least), and so it's something of a mystery as to why Activision paid a "large sum of money" for the rights to use it in the first place. Still, the gameplay footage itself is fairly impressive, including everything from flamethrowers and paratroopers to zombies and Teutonic castles, and that's what counts at the end of the day...

Source - Blue's News / Voodoo Extreme

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