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Sony drops UK prices

Brought about by exchange rates, not competition though

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has announced that it is dropping the price of the PlayStation 2 in the UK, effective immediately. According to a report in trade rag MCV, high street stores including Electronics Boutique and HMV have already reduced their prices to match, although a quick survey showed that online e-tailers haven't followed suit yet. Until yesterday a PlayStation 2 cost £300 in the UK, equivalent to around $420 or €500 at current exchange rates. From today that drops to £270, which according to SCEE marketing director Darren Carter brings us into line with the rest of Europe. "Because of exchange rates across Europe we altered our trade rate so that the UK doesn¹t fall out of step."

Darren was also quick to point out that this is not a "strategic price cut" designed to give sales a boost or fight a rearguard action against the forthcoming next generation consoles, but further price cuts are widely expected later in the year as the Xbox and GameCube become available in the USA. Whatever the reasons behind this modest price cut though, it certainly should prove welcome for gamers and retailers alike. And with eagerly anticipated games like Gran Turismo 3, Project Eden and of course Metal Gear Solid 2 all expected within the next few months, it should certainly give Sony's console a much-needed boost.

Source - MCV

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