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That's Torn it

Black Isle in new role-playing game shocker

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Interplay's Black Isle Studios division has announced that it is working on a new role-playing game titled Torn. The company is promising a mixture of great 3D graphics, solid gameplay, an original fantasy world and real-time combat, all powered by an enhanced version of the brand new Lithtech 3.0 engine. Interplay's claim that the game will feature "a twisting, epic tale of noble allies, vile treachery, vengeful tyrants and maddened gods that will set the precedent for fantasy and adventure games to come" might sound like hyperbole, but given that Black Isle have been responsible for a string of great role-playing games such as Fallout, Planescape Torment and Icewind Dale, expectations are obviously very high.

Torn in action

Certainly the world of Torn sounds like a fascinating place, with designer Dave Maldonado promising everything "from a city that has begun to devour its inhabitants by night, to an invasion by a horrifying army of monstrous abominations from origins unknown, to the battle between a strong but aging king and an old friend that has become his greatest foe, and more. Of course, it all ties together - these events, the protagonist's curse, ancient prophecies, secretive orders, the very nature of Torn, and a number of other things I shouldn't reveal. Suffice to say that it's quite a tale."

Torn is due for release towards the end of the year, so hopefully we should be able to tell you more soon...

Source - PR Newswire / RPG Vault

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