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THQ to publish Conker

Rare's seminal adult-em-up action fest to meet the N64 by way of Woking-based THQ

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Publishing giant THQ have clinched the rights to market and distribute Conker's Bad Fur Day in Europe, according to a press release received this morning. The game has been farmed out to the third party publisher in what is believed to be an attempt by Nintendo to distance themselves from its risqué contents. The plot pretty much speaks for itself. After a wild night out, Conker the squirrel awakens to a Bad Fur Day. Experiencing the hangover of a lifetime, he gets lost on the way home and stumbles into a world of abusive paintpots, jabbering dung beetles, and flesh-eating dinosaurs. Now, this frying-pan-wielding fur ball is going to unleash his foul mood on everybody. Ouch. It certainly signals a departure from Rare's usual line of titles, which feature cuddly animals of all kinds rendered in stunning SGI bopping each other happily on the head. "We're excited to be a part of this unique opportunity to work in association with Rare to launch Conker's Bad Fur Day in Europe," said Tim Walsh, THQ's Senior VP of International Publishing. In a way it's unsurprising to see Nintendo farming the game out to THQ, after so much time has been spent building the company's reputation as a publisher of family titles. We tried to find out whether it was Nintendo who approached THQ or the other way round, but the company declined to comment.

Source - press release

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