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ArmA 2 1.62 patch notes: improves DayZ stability

"A lot" of fixes to multiplayer.

Patch 1.62 has been rolled out for ArmA 2/DayZ, Bohemia has announced.

This will make "zombie hunts less prone to crashes and should improve server stability", Bohemia wrote, referencing DayZ - the booming hardcore zombie mod for ArmA 2.

The patch highlights are:

  • Multiplayer optimisations, security and server improvements
  • Overall stability was improved with numerous tweaks and fixes
  • Added new video options (Post-Process Anti-Aliasing, Alpha To Coverage)
  • Additional AI improvements and numerous bug fixes
  • Resolved issues with several training missions
  • Added a lot of new script commands for content makers
DayZ creator Dean Hall's presentation at the Rezzed game show.

ArmA 2 version 1.60 to 1.62 changelog

  • [94918] New: command unit addMagazine[name, ammoCount]
  • [94912] Fixed: Video memory detection on W7/x64 sometimes wroóng because of bug in IDirect3DDevice9::GetAvailableTextureMem.
  • [94886] Fixed: Possible gear item duplication (private
  • [94761] TBB 4.0 update 5, (tbb40_20120613oss,
  • [94699] Tweak Reinhard tonemapping pars
  • [94629] Fixed: Wrong magazines are removed with weapon in briefing gear.
  • [94206] Fixed: Disabled channels can be bypassed in briefing screen (
  • [94049] New: terrainIntersectASL command
  • [94049] Fixed: terrainIntersect reverted to ATL
  • [94002] Fixed: PlayerId changed for users using Reinforcements or Arma X Anniversary edition to prevent PlayerId conflicts.
  • [94001] Fixed: "enableItemsDropping = 0;" now even for MP clients
  • [94001] New: moonIntensity command
  • [94001] New: sunOrMoon command
  • [93989] Changed: When dropping weapon unrelated magazine will not be dropped
  • [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext
  • [93945] New: In gear added bars with ammo count
  • [93945] New: setGearSlotAmmoCount, setIDCAmmoCount, gearIDCAmmoCount, gearSlotAmmoCount gear commands
  • [93897] New: AToC & PPAA added into UI video options
  • [93841] Fixed: AI using NVGs as binoculars after dropping their primary weapon (
  • [93821] Changed: Authentication Timeout is distinguished from bad CD key
  • [93812] Fixed: Restrict gamma value set by profile
  • [93809] Fixed: Restrict brightness value set by profile
  • [93722] Fixed: Effects of setDamage to buildings different on clients and server (
  • [93701] Fixed: Changing gear in briefing screen is not working reliable in MP (
  • [93680] Optimized: MP: attachTo no longer sends a message when the attachment does not change.
  • [93672] Fixed: Unable to access AI soldier's gear in map
  • [93670] Fixed: Prone units stop engaging (
  • [93664] Fixed: Damage of buildings synchronization in MP after JIP (,,
  • [93657] Fixed: Target is no longer stored in the long-term target list when forgotten for the second time (
  • [93654] Improved: Tone mapping
  • [93652] New: Scripting functions visiblePositionASL and nearestBuilding position
  • [93648] New: Scripting functions ASLToATL and ATLToASL to convert between coordinate systems.
  • [93624] Changed: Scripting function weaponDirection returns a primary weapon direction when empty string is used as a weapon name.
  • [93622] New: Scripting function eyeDirection.
  • [93598] New: Scripting functions eyePos object and aimPos object
  • [93583] Fixed: Player-created markers not synchronised with JIP clients (see
  • [93575] Fixed: StringLoad command reads unicode
  • [93570] Fixed: Player-made map markers disappearing in MP under certain circumstances (
  • [93542] New: MP Statistics screen (key I) contains the Server hostname
  • [93528] Fixed: Max distance for DirectChat raised from 20m to 40m
  • [93415] Fixed: empty weaponHolder is not deleted when used by remote player
  • [93398] New: System chat like player connected/disconnected switched to CCSystem=6 channel. New configuration opportunity disableChannels[]={chan1,chan2,...}; in mission description.ext file possible.
  • [93294] Fixed: Multiple Object not found problems such as Server: Object 6:4 not found (message 124)
  • [93276] New: terrainIntersect command
  • [93273] New: lineIntersects, lineIntersectsWith commands
  • [93156] Changed: increased gear MP messages priority
  • [93146] Fixed: LOD blending
  • [93120] Fixed: JIP connecting players less affect other players network bandwith
  • [93117] Fix: Crash: - caused by fix: "LOD blending not working reliably (rev. 93017)
  • [93017] Fixed: LOD blending not working reliably
  • [92956] Fixed: Sound: Music often stop playing after window focus is lost and regained
  • [92925] Fixed: switching backpack with dead unit in MP
  • [92821] Fixed: Joining unit in the vehicle to a different side group did not change the perceived side of the unit.
  • [92781] Fixed: SelectPlayer makes direct communication unreliable (see
  • [92754] Fixed: scaling icons with grenade cursor
  • [92706] TBB 4.0 update 4, (tbb40_20120408oss,
  • [92705] Fixed: Possible crash when in out of VRAM conditions because of a race condition.
  • [92679] Fixed: A Javelin missile often did not lock a target when playing with a Veteran or harder difficulty (
  • [92612] Fixed: SelectPlayer in MP can break the Direct Chat or cause other MP issues.
  • [92582] Fixed: AI detection after load
  • [92463] Fixed: AToC ATi 77xx
  • [92071] Changed: Observer RPT messages now once per 60 sec,
  • [92061] Fixed: AtoC on nVidia for CSAA
  • [92059] PPAA pars tweak & SMAA use color edge detection method
  • [91173] New: Registry driven mod can contain list of required mods in its REQUIRE string value (the same syntax as for LOADAFTER). Moreover, the reg.value CANDISABLE="0" can be used to make the Disable button disabled.
  • [91055] Fixed: Respawn with backpack
  • [90909] Fixed: crash of Linux server when player with custom face connects
  • [90901] New: setUnitRecoilCoefficient command
  • [89964] Fixed: Linux servers were never green in server list.
  • [89899] Fixed: Helicopter is more accurate with unguided rockets
  • [89898] Fixed: Secondary gunner tracks enemies
  • [89603] Fixed: A possible crash when textures were loading too slow from the disk.
  • [89523] Fixed: Crash during engine termination from multiplayer game.
  • [89361] Fixed: Linux server slow startup
  • [89205] New: Player can look up/down using a mouse while driving land/water vehicles.
  • [89201] New: SMAA antialiasing introduced, use PPAA=3, PPAALevel=0..3 in Arma2OA.cfg.
  • [89104] New: Implemented automatic looking intro turns when driving a car with a mouse.
  • [89086] Experimental: A different way to handle mouse steering is implemented for cars, tanks, boats and bikes.
  • [89079] Fixed: Multiple reload sounds in mp (see
  • [89011] New: A cursor is shown to provide a visual feedback when steering a car.
  • [88975] Fixed: Multiple reload sounds in MP (see
  • [88948] Improved: Airplane thrust and brakes can now be applied at the same time.
  • [88947] New: Full joystick axis can be mapped by mapping both positive and negative part of the same axis (map negative first to use the axis inverted) (
  • [88918] Improved: AI scanning for the target more when a visual contact is lost.
  • [88890] Improved: AI vehicles scanning area with their weapons when target position is not known exactly.
  • [88870] Fixed: AI vehicles sometimes see player outside their field of view (
  • [88850] Fixed: AI was sometimes able to reveal a unit which has detonated a satchel (
  • [88726] Fixed: Frequent client/server crashes in MP (when merging multipacket messages)
  • [88269] Changed: Application name changed to "ArmA 2 OA" for "ArmA 2 Reinforcements".
  • [88195] Improved: -beta mods now always loaded first (
  • [88147] Add: Optional FXAA sharp filter, *.cfg "FXAASharp"
  • [88119] Improved: AI spotting reducing in high speed moving vehicles more accurate now (movement direction is considered).
  • [88111] Fixed: Unguided rockets no longer explode when passed by the target (
  • [88110] Fixed: AI gunner hits the ground with manually guided missile when "Auto guided AT" is disabled (
  • [88015] Fixed: Aircraft gunner firing even when manual fire was selected by a pilot (
  • [87963] Optimized: Reduced memory footprint in complex missions.
  • [87840] New: Added scripting command productVersion (
  • [87837] Changed: Addons config value requiredVersion ignored for easier addon sharing between various products (A2, TOH).
  • [87824] Changed: Removed support for config parameter nightVision (
  • [87768] Fixed: AI vehicles crews seeing targets badly (
  • [87755] Fixed: Player automatically reveals targets which AI would never see (
  • [87746] Fixed: Looking around no longer possible when combat mode changes in vehicle (
  • [87745] New: Cheat Shift+Minus+FPS to allow artificially limit FPS for testing to 40,20,10,5.
  • [87740] Improved: Targeting and firing always commanded by observer. (
  • [87706] Improved: AI laser target detection at large distances improved.
  • [87692] Fixed: Manual guidance not working for a helicopter gunner (,
  • [87659] Fixed: AI was unable to engage invisible laser targets used for SSM (
  • [87658] Fixed: Command doTarget on friendly unit did not work (
  • [87655] Fixed: Text parameter file parsing not reliable (
  • [87654] Improved: A behaviour of the leader player is now assumed to be the most restrictive behaviour of his subordinates (
  • [87652] Fixed: AI always turned out when player is effective commander in cargo (
  • [87646] Fixed: MP: Bullet hits of remote units not visible over large distance (
  • [87645] Changed: Default memory allocator is now tbb4malloc_bi instead of tbb3malloc_bi
  • [87643] Fixed: Manually guided missiles lost control when reaching 1500 m distance (
  • [87640] New: RVExtension dll interface implemented (
  • [87640] Improved: AI sometimes did not start firing at enemy which passed quickly just in front of it.
  • [87640] Fixed: AI unable to target crew in vehicles other than tracked ones (
  • [87640] Improved: AI units now give more preference to close targets (

ARMA 2 / ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead Data

  • fixed : [OA] SC 48 Sector Control is missing ammo for Mk17 EGLM RCO and Mk17 TWS SD
  • changed : [OA] New set of multiplayer chat colors
  • added : New Video Options (PPAA, AToC)
  • fixed : Boot Camp 02:
  • fixed : Boot Camp E08:

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