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After two years of silence, the official Mafia Twitter account tweets one word


The official Mafia account has woken up after almost two years of silence and tweeted a single word: "Family."

Initially, I wondered if the tweet was merely recognising that today is Mother's Day (don't panic UKers - ours was back in March), but given the account hasn't acknowledged any other Mother's Days - or Father's Days, for that matter - I'm inclined to think there's a little more to it than coincidence.

So: what could it mean? Is there a new instalment in the offing, or are we finally getting that Mafia II remaster everyone wants (seriously: check out the replies to that tweet to see what I mean).

Clearly, it's not much to go on - and it's not easy to draw any meaningful conclusion from a single word - but with next-gen so close we can almost touch it, it's very possible we'll find out more in the weeks and months to come.

As Bertie revealed a little while back, Mafia 3's documentary-style montage opening wasn't always going to start the game. Once upon a time Mafia 3 had a far more explosive start, a 'cold open' sequence to play out before the opening montage. It was controversial stuff - so sensitive, in fact, developer Hangar 13 scrubbed it from existence lest footage ever get out.

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