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A slightly different Kickstarter for coffee table Sensible Software book

An eye-feast of a retrospective.

Zeitgeist crowd funding platform Kickstarter isn't all about raising thousands or millions of pounds to fund games that publishers wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

Today, the goal is a modest $30,000 to fund the production of a book - a Sensible Software book.

Sensible Software: 1986-1999 hopes to be the definitive history of the studio, and also very, very pretty - one of those books you place on a coffee table to impress guests with.

Interviews with people like Sensible co-founder Jon Hare and at-the-time peers Peter Molyneux will be interspersed with all sorts of artwork: title screens, sprites, game maps, typefaces, box art and even "a bounty of never-before-seen archival material including hand-drawn maps, characters and menus".

This Sensible Software book will be the flagship product for Read-Only Memory, "a new publishing company specialising in high-quality video game products". It sounds a bit like a one-man band - the one man being Darren Wall, a graphic designer by trade, but a dabbler in all things publishing. The book's narrative will be guided by industry veteran Gary Penn.

Pledging $38 or more buys you a standard copy of the book, presuming it gets made.

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