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360 price-cut in August?

Report says yes, MS says nowt.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft UK has refused to comment on rumours it will be chopping the price of the Xbox 360 in August.

The platform holder was responding to claims made by The Hollywood Reporter that a USD 50 cut would take place on 8th August. But European online game-grocers told us this afternoon they'd heard nothing of the sort.

The rumoured drop in price would be timed perfectly for the launch of key exclusives Blue Dragon and BioShock on 24th August. It would also coincide with the latest Madden NFL release in the US, which continues to be EA's most successful series.

Sony America announced recently it was dropping the price of the 60GB PS3 in America by USD 100 to make way for the new 80GB model, although a different "added value" approach was taken in Europe.

Speculation across the nation, then. What do you think, news observer?

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