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Create an MFN Account


Join the DOTAFire Community!

Already a member? Click here to log in.

Fill out this form to create your MFN Global Account

NOTE: Add to your email spam filter approved sender list to ensure verification email delivery. If you do not recieve the email please contact support.

Create your MFN Account with your Social Media

MOBAFire Network can now be created using your Social Media. This new features allows you to log in and quickly become part of the community. We will not post to your social accounts or access your contacts.

Create your account with the following Social Media Accounts...

About MOBAFire Network (MFN) Global Accounts

MOBAFire Network now uses a global login system (MFN Global Accounts). If you have signed up for any of our community sites that same account will also work here on DOTAFire and your existing DOTAFire account login will now work on all other MOBAFire Network sites. Learn more.