Civil Beat Categories


Naka Nathaniel: Stories Told Days Before The Maui Fires Take On A Special Resonance Now Ku‘u Kauanoe/Civil Beat/2023

Naka Nathaniel: Stories Told Days Before The Maui Fires Take On A Special Resonance Now

Five storytellers took the stage on Aug. 3 having no idea, like the rest of us, of what was about to happen to the island they celebrated.

Using Campaign Funds For Child Care Can Break Down Barriers Chad Blair/Civil Beat/2024

Using Campaign Funds For Child Care Can Break Down Barriers

Hawaii’s child care costs are among the highest in the United States. But help is now here.

Beth Fukumoto: These Third-Party Candidates Are Undeterred By The Uphill Battle They Face

Beth Fukumoto: These Third-Party Candidates Are Undeterred By The Uphill Battle They Face

Candidates seeking office without the backing of the Democratic and Republican parties have adopted unique campaign strategies as they seek to change the status quo.

The Sunshine Blog: The Governor’s Biden Fundraiser Is Now In Limbo iStockphoto/DenisTangneyJr/2021

The Sunshine Blog: The Governor’s Biden Fundraiser Is Now In Limbo

Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ethical leadership in Hawaii.

Hawaii State Spending Bills Need A Dose Of Sunshine David Croxford/Civil Beat/2024

Hawaii State Spending Bills Need A Dose Of Sunshine

We are the only state in the country that does not have an independent office or process to create fiscal notes.

The Sunshine Blog: Pay-To-Play Records Revealed And A Hawaii Senator Says No To Netanyahu David Croxford/Civil Beat/2024

The Sunshine Blog: Pay-To-Play Records Revealed And A Hawaii Senator Says No To Netanyahu

Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ethical leadership in Hawaii.

Danny De Gracia: Society Has Lost Faith In Its Young People. That Has To Change Cory Lum/Civil Beat

Danny De Gracia: Society Has Lost Faith In Its Young People. That Has To Change

It's time to make way for a new generation of leaders at every level of government. That means giving young people more opportunities and second chances.

John Pritchett: Not Going Down With The Ship John Pritchett/Civil Beat/2024

John Pritchett: Not Going Down With The Ship

More and more Democrats are bailing on President Joe Biden due to growing concerns about his physical health and mental sharpness. Will he still be his party's nominee?

Neal Milner: You Can’t Fix The World But You Can Do Something About Your Neighborhood Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2021

Neal Milner: You Can’t Fix The World But You Can Do Something About Your Neighborhood

Government has a limited ability to deal with problems like homelessness and poor schools, but neighborhoods can take up the slack.