
With cherry-picked publishers and viewability as a key value, each campaign is optimized according to the client's specific needs and unique target audience.
Our Legacy display units utilize our in-house ad-serving and SSP technology to allow a tailored cross-screen solution for display advertising on Mobile and Desktop. Providing unique international supply, recruited by our many locales, the display unit can be used for all IAB-approved sizes.
Brightcom enables programmatic buying and selling of high-impact ads in RTB platforms. These ad formats drive higher response rates than standard display ads and are more likely to drive consumer actions beyond the click, such as social sharing, personal recommendations, and shopping behaviors.
Our header bidding technology allows buyers to compete for your inventory and maximize your yield. We will provide you with a platform which will give you, the publisher, full control of every impression sold, whether it’s direct, RTB or network demand sources.
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