Our CMS Solutions

WordPress VIP Development

Achieve enterprise-level performance, scalability and security with WordPress VIP and Box UK. We’ll help you leverage the flexibility and simplicity WordPress is renowned for to rapidly deliver high-quality digital solutions, to help you achieve your strategic goals.

See more about our WordPress VIP Development services

WP Engine Development

As a Strategy Partner agency to WP Engine Box UK can help you unlock the power of this enterprise WordPress platform, delivering fast, scalable and secure platforms that support critical business operations and drive your digital strategy forward.

See more about our WP Engine Development Solution services

Drupal Development

The driving force behind more than a million websites worldwide, Drupal’s open source and modular architecture delivers the flexibility and extensibility needed to give you total control over your content – all while helping reduce cost and allowing you to focus on the delivery of value for your business.

See more about our Drupal Development services

What we do

Partnering with leading Content Management System (CMS) providers, and with decades of enterprise CMS development experience, Box UK builds large-scale digital platforms used by millions. Our multidisciplinary team specialises in complex multisite and multilingual implementations, and leverages extensive integration expertise (including headless CMS setup) to ensure your content management solutions are supported by a robust and responsive technology ecosystem.

RCN screenshots across a variety of devices

An enterprise CMS platform is ideal for large-scale organisations dealing with high volumes of traffic, transactions and content, and who may be looking for greater control over their digital experiences. Box UK can help you unlock the full power of your solution, delivering enterprise CMS software features and functionality to better serve your users and support long-term growth.

Enterprise content management systems

We’ll work with you to identify the most suitable enterprise CMS platform for your business by building an in-depth understanding of your requirements and goals, and conducting a thorough appraisal of leading content management solutions providers including:

  • WordPress: built in PHP, WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, and today powers over 35% of the web. The reasons for WordPress’ success are easy to see, with its renowned flexibility and usability supporting rapid development for quicker time-to-market. We partner with WordPress VIP and WP Engine, two leading enterprise hosting platforms, to deliver high-quality solutions through the WordPress CMS.
  • Drupal: another popular open source PHP content management system, more than a million websites worldwide are built on Drupal’s scalable and highly flexible modular framework, supported by a passionate and active development community that offers access to thousands of additional plugins, to facilitate a customised enterprise experience.

Benefits of using enterprise CMS

Two men working at a laptop

There are many benefits to be gained from implementing an enterprise CMS platform, including:

  • Ease-of-use: most enterprise content management systems feature intuitive back-end interfaces that streamline the process of creating, publishing and managing large volumes of content, while built-in functionality such as workflows, permissions, user management and version control provides high levels of control to safeguard quality.
  • Efficiency: extensive plugin libraries, API integrations and a range of other development resources can significantly reduce the amount of time required to implement powerful features and functionality, providing you with a holistic digital ecosystem that supports seamless user journeys across your various touchpoints.
  • Scalability: whether you want to expand your range of products and services, target new markets or expand into new geographical regions, enterprise CMS software can support your goals while minimising overhead; powering multiple sites from a single installation, including support for translations.

What organisations need enterprise CMS?

If you have or are looking to build a digital platform that fits any of the following criteria, you should definitely consider enterprise CMS development:

  • Publishing platforms with high volumes of content
  • Ecommerce platforms with complex ecosystems
  • Sites featuring personalisation or gamification
  • Multisite and multilingual installations
  • Interactive online communities
  • Complex underlying business processes

Person adding post-its to a wall showing how APIs interact

Why choose Box UK?

Two people working on laptops at a table

  • Enterprise pedigree: unlike many other CMS website development teams, we specialise solely in the enterprise, bringing an in-depth understanding of the unique requirements of large-scale implementation projects to ensure our content management solutions are robust, secure and scalable.
  • Multilingual and multisite: our team is highly experienced in delivering global digital platforms, including serving multiple sites from a single installation, providing support for translations, providing access to information to the right users at the right time, and addressing vital cultural considerations.
  • Solution architecture: our multidisciplinary team will work with you to define a software ecosystem that addresses all your digital requirements, enabling you to support customers through the full lifecycle and gain a joined-up picture of all activity.
  • Custom integrations and APIs: if plugins aren’t available to deliver the enterprise CMS features you need, or you want to retain business-critical systems, we’ll integrate these into your solution, applying strict coding standards to safeguard quality, security and reliability.
  • Complex migrations and replatforming: with a wealth of experience in enterprise CMS platforms as well as extensive bespoke software development expertise, we’ll support you through every stage of the migration process, from accurately transferring data and content to advising on hosting requirements.
Playbook: Replatforming to WordPress

Covering the key benefits WordPress offers over more traditional enterprise CMS solutions, and the considerations you’ll need to address should you choose to migrate, to ensure the success of your project.

Download the guide
Case studies


Running seven country sites in six languages from a single installation, OKdo.com is a feature-rich, widely-integrated technology ecosystem that serves as a flagship example of enterprise WordPress and WooCommerce.

As OKdo’s IT partner, we delivered this project in just eight months, bringing to life a global ecommerce platform that would underpin the launch of their new business into two of the fastest-growing markets in the technology space.


As a major operational risk association, ORX needs to be confident that all their news content is both accurate and accessible – and that’s exactly what we delivered with a web application built using the open-source Drupal 8 CMS.

Members can now get to the content they need much more easily and, with ORX better able to demonstrate the value of membership, engagement with the application has grown too – leading to a more than 40% increase in traffic and a number of new trial sign-ups.

Tell us your enterprise CMS development needs