Blackfire for PHP

Profile, Test, and Continuously Optimize PHP Code Performance.

Build faster applications.

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PHP Code Performance Profiling

A profiler is a tool that measures how some code consumes resources at run-time. It enables to find performance bottlenecks and understand the code's behavior.

Blackfire Profiler for PHP enables to profile applications during development, test, staging, and production environments.

A zero-footprint profiler

Deterministic profilers usually require to instrument manually the code that you want to profile. That usually rules out using them on production, as it will generate an overhead, slowing down the end-user experience. Many free tools also require installing multiple components to start profiling and then display profiles in a user interface.

Blackfire makes developer's life easier:

  • Enabling to install and visualize profiles under 10 minutes
  • By requiring no code change in dev and no need to remove instrumentation before releasing to production
  • By having no impact on end-users on production
  • Supporting all platforms (Linux, macOS and Windows) and all PHP versions

Continuous Performance Optimization

On-demand profiling is great for ironing out a specific issue. But performance should be seen as a feature. It should be tested as such.

Blackfire offers a wide range of profiling automations and integrations so that across deployments in production, or code iterations in testing, you can verify if your application performs as expected.

Get the most out of automations with Blackfire's detection of performance, security and quality issues, and related optimization recommendations.