On-Demand Webinar with Egress – The Security of Artificial Intelligence

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About The Webinar

AI is touching all our lives, across numerous applications, including cyber security. But is AI itself secure? Like any technology, it presents an attack surface, so you need to understand it to understand the risk associated with it.

With many vendors presenting AI as a black box solution, how do you qualify that risk? This webinar will help answer that question and include practical demonstrations of how AI can be subverted.

Key takeaways:

• Understand potential cyber security threats to AI technology
• Learn importance of recognising security risks to avoid undermining AI
• Explore AI as a black box solution and how to restrict security threats  
• Discover a practical demonstration of how AI can be subverted and how to avoid destabilisation 

Speakers include:

Egress Jack Chapman – VP of Threat Intelligence

Complete the form on the right to watch this webinar on-demand.

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