UK hospitals begin live trial of prostate cancer-detecting AI

Three hospital systems across England have begun a live clinical trial of AI technology designed to detect and grade prostate cancer. The study – known as ARTICULATE PRO – is being led by the University of Oxford in collaboration with Paige, a pioneer in clinical AI applications for cancer diagnosis.

The participating hospitals – North Bristol Trust Southmead Hospital, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, and Oxford University NHS Foundation Trust – are now...

AI revolution in US education: How Chinese apps are leading the way

The success of Chinese AI education applications like Question.AI and Gauth in the US market comes at a time of fierce competition within China, where over 200 large language models—critical for generative AI services like ChatGPT—have been developed. As of March, more than half of these received approval from Chinese authorities for public release.

Faced with a saturated domestic market, more Chinese app developers are now setting their sights on Western markets, including...

Google’s dilemma: AI expansion vs achieving climate goals

Google is currently grappling with a major dilemma: finding a way to maintain its impressive progress in AI technology while also staying true to its goal of minimising carbon emissions.

In its 2024 Environmental Report, Google discloses a concerning trend: a staggering 50% surge in emissions over the past five years. This surge can be attributed mainly to the heightened energy requirements of its AI-powered data centres. This alarming surge threatens to derail Google's ambitious...

EU probes Microsoft-OpenAI and Google-Samsung AI deals

The European Union has intensified its antitrust scrutiny on AI deals, starting with high-profile collaborations between Microsoft-OpenAI and Google-Samsung.

Margrethe Vestager, the European Commission's executive vice president for competition policy, warned that AI is "developing at breakneck speed" and revealed that multiple preliminary investigations are underway into various AI-related market practices. Her concerns about potential anti-competitive practices stem from major...

Tech war escalates: OpenAI shuts door on China

Photo by Jonathan Kemper/Unsplash

This week, OpenAI has decisively blocked access to its site from mainland China and Hong Kong, cutting off developers and companies from some of the most advanced AI technologies available today.

OpenAI's move is not surprising given the increasing geopolitical tensions and technology rivalry; however, it represents an inflection point in AI that will further turn up the heat on rather icy tech cold war. The result is massive repercussions on the future AI landscape in China and...

SoftBank launches healthcare venture with Tempus AI

SoftBank Group launches AI healthcare joint venture with Tempus AI, a hot new AI stock backed by Google

SoftBank Group, the Japanese technology investment firm, has announced a strategic joint venture with Tempus AI, a company specialising in AI-driven medical data analysis and treatment recommendations.

This partnership was revealed by SoftBank's CEO, Masayoshi Son, during a briefing in Tokyo, marking another significant move in SoftBank's recent series of AI investments as the company ramps up its investment activities following a period of relative quiet.

Earlier this...

Could an Apple-Meta partnership redefine the AI landscape?

Photo Credits: Julio Lopez/Unsplash

Apple has reportedly entered into discussions with Meta to integrate the latter's generative AI model into its newly unveiled personalised AI system, Apple Intelligence.

Sources familiar with the talks have revealed that Apple has also been considering partnerships with startups Anthropic and Perplexity to integrate their generative AI technologies. This coming together of major players in the tech industry and groundbreaking startups signifies a pivotal moment in...

SoftBank chief: Forget AGI, ASI will be here within 10 years

SoftBank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son has claimed that artificial super intelligence (ASI) could be a reality within the next decade.

Speaking at SoftBank's annual meeting in Tokyo on June 21, Son painted a picture of a future where AI far surpasses human intelligence, potentially revolutionising life as we know it. Son asserted that by 2030, AI could be "one to 10 times smarter than humans," and by 2035, it might reach a staggering "10,000 times smarter" than human...

xAI secures Dell Technologies and Super Micro support for supercomputer project

xAI secures Dell Technologies and Super Micro support for supercomputer project

Elon Musk's startup, xAI, has just announced that it will rely on Dell and Super Micro for server racks to support its gigantic supercomputer project.

Musk announced this collaboration on his social media platform, X, marking a key development in xAI's goal to assemble what he has repeatedly called "the world's biggest supercomputer."

Server racks are an integral part of high-performance computing infrastructure, providing the skeleton needed to store and organise the...

The rise and fall of AI at the McDonald’s drive-thru

McDonald's declared that it will no longer use IBM for the partnership after July 31, 2024. Source: Unsplash

The fast-food industry has been turning to AI for years in the hopes that it might improve efficiency, cut down on labour costs, and, ideally, make customers' lives easier. One of the pioneers was McDonald's, which in 2021 teamed up with IBM to test an AI system for voice ordering at around 100 drive-thru locations throughout the US.

Customers were supposed to be able to drive up, loudly state their orders into the drive-thru microphone, and then have an AI record all of that,...