This knowledge base article relates to the WS Form InstaWP add-on. This add-on is free to download.

InstaWP is a toolkit for WordPress development that lets you create WordPress websites instantly, without the need for setup time. These websites are standard WordPress sites where you can easily add plugins, themes, and content. You also have the capability to access, preview, and customize your WordPress website according to your preferences.

With the InstaWP add-on, you can launch WordPress sites using forms made in WS Form. This feature significantly improves the user experience when gathering the necessary information to build a site. Moreover, it opens up various integration possibilities and gives you the option to completely personalize email notifications and messages for new site creations.



Use Cases

The add-on allows you to:

  • Create WordPress sites generated from specific or selected InstaWP templates.
  • Create ‘From Scratch’ WordPress sites using InstaWP configurations or by manually specify the WordPress and PHP version.


The InstaWP plugin is free to download. Click here to download the add-on.

The InstaWP plugin is installed in the same way as installing the WS Form PRO plugin.

Once installed you will need to activate the license for the plugin. When you purchase the InstaWP plugin, you will be given a license key. If you have lost your license key(s), click here.

To activate your license key:

  1. Click WS Form in the WordPress administration menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click the InstaWP tab at the top of the page.
  4. Enter your license key.
  5. Click the Activate button.

If your license key fails to activate, please ensure you are using the correct license key and not your WS Form PRO license key.

Create an InstaWP Account

If you don’t already have an account, register on InstaWP.

You can use coupon code WSFORM20 to get 20% off all annual plans!

Create an InstaWP API Token

To create an API token:

  1. Click on your Account Icon at the top of the InstaWP admin page, then click My Account.WS Form - InstaWP - My Account Link
  2. Click API Tokens.
  3. Enter a token name such as WS Form.
  4. Ensure the read-write setting is checked.
  5. Click Create to create the token.
  6. Copy the provided API token to your clipboard.WS Form - InstaWP - Create API Token

Connect WS Form to InstaWP

Connecting WS Form to InstaWP is easy!

  1. Click WS Form in the WordPress administration menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click the InstaWP tab at the top of the page.
  4. Enter your InstaWP API token. You can find this on the InstaWP API Tokens page.WS Form - InstaWP - Enter API Token
  5. Click Save Changes.

Form Templates

The following form templates are included with the InstaWP add-on. To access these templates, click on Add New in the WS Form admin and then click the InstaWP tab.

  • Site Templates
  • Template Selector
  • From Scratch

Creating a Form Integrated With InstaWP


WS Form can create a form for an InstaWP endpoint in a single click. This process not only creates a form but also fully configures WS Form so that the form is ready to use immediately.

To create a InstaWP form in WS Form:

  1. Click WS Form in the WordPress administration menu.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Select the InstaWP tab at the top of the page.WS Form - InstaWP - Add Form
  4. Click on an InstaWP template to create a form. Note that if you have more than one team, the templates shown will reflect the InstaWP templates associated with the current team you are using in the InstaWP admin.
  5. Wait a few moments while the form is created.

That’s it! Your form will be created and is ready to add to your website.


It is also possible to use any form created in WS Form and add an action so that you can make requests to create InstaWP sites.

Add an InstaWP Action

  1. When editing your form, click the Actions  icon at the top of the page. The Actions sidebar will open on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. Click the Add  icon to add a new action.
  3. Select Create InstaWP Site from the Action pulldown.
  4. Click Save & Close.

The OpenAI action settings depend on the Method selected.


If you choose an InstaWP Template or the Template Selector method, the following settings will appear.

Template Selector Field

This setting will only appear if the Template Selector method is chosen. Choose a field on your form to use for selecting a template. You can use the InstaWP Templates data source on a Select, Checkbox or Radio field to populate the field with the available templates in your account.

Is Shared

If checked, InstaWP will create a shared site. Share sites have the following properties:

  • A site name will be automatically generated, you cannot specify a custom site name.
  • The site cannot be set as reserved.

Opt-In Field

Optionally, choose a field on your form to act as an opt-in. If the user opts-in, the create site from template API request to InstaWP will be marked as has_subscribed.

Field Mapping

Use this setting to map the email field on your form to the InstaWP email field.

Site Name

If the Shared setting has been disabled, then you can optionally enter a custom site name. Site names can contain the following characters:

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9
  • Hyphen (-)

Is Reserved

If the Shared setting has been disabled, then you can use this setting to mark a site as Reserved.

Wait Until Site Created

If checked, WS Form will not run any further actions until InstaWP indicates that the site has been fully created. This ensure if a user clicks on the link to the site that it is fully installed and configured.

If you would rather just allow InstaWP to email the credentials to the user when the site is completed you can disable this setting.

Wait Timeout (Seconds)

Enter the duration in seconds that WS Form will wait for to determine if a site has been completed. This setting defaults to 120 seconds.

From Scratch

Site Name

You can optionally enter a custom site name. Site names can contain the following characters:

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9
  • Hyphen (-)

If a site name is omitted, InstaWP will automatically generate a site name.


You can choose an InstaWP configuration to determine the settings used for the newly created site. If this setting is not used you can manually set the WordPress and PHP versions.

WordPress Version

If you are not using an InstaWP configuration, use this setting to manually select the WordPress version that will be installed on the site.

PHP Version

If you are not using an InstaWP configuration, use this setting to manually select the PHP version that will be use on the site.


If you have teams, you can use this setting to determine which team the site should be added to.


The InstaWP add-on adds the following variable that can be used in actions:


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Display Name
Returns the author of the current post.
Returns the author of the current post.
First Name
Returns the author of the current post.
Returns the author of the current post.
Last Name
Returns the author of the current post.
Returns the author of the current post.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Admin Email
Returns the Administrator Email Address setting in WordPress Settings > General.
Character Set
Returns the site character set.
Current Date
Returns the blog time formatted according to the Time Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.
Custom Date
#blog_date_custom("format", seconds_offset)
Returns the blog date and time in the specified format (PHP date format). For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the Language setting in WordPress Settings > General.
Returns the Site Title setting in WordPress Settings > General.
Current Time
Returns the blog time formatted according to the Date Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the WordPress Address (URL) setting in WordPress Settings > General.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the calculated value. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the total character count. For more information about this variable, click here.
Count Label
Returns 'character' or 'characters' depending on the character count. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the maximum character length that you set for a field. For more information about this variable, click here.
Maximum Label
Returns 'character' or 'characters' depending on the maximum character length. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the minimum character length that you set for a field. For more information about this variable, click here.
Minimum Label
Returns 'character' or 'characters' depending on the minimum character length. For more information about this variable, click here.
Count Remaining
If you set a maximum character length for a field, this will return the total remaining character count. For more information about this variable, click here.
Count Remaining Label
If you set a maximum character length for a field, this will return the total remaining character count. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Checkbox Count
Use this variable to return the number of checkboxes that have been checked for a field. For example: #checkbox_count(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. For more information about this variable, click here.
Checkbox Label
#checkbox_label(field_id, "delimiter")
Use this variable to insert the label of a checkbox field on your form. For example: #checkbox_label(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Current Date
Returns the users web browser local date according to the Date Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.
Custom Date
#client_date_custom("format", seconds_offset)
Returns the users web browser local date and time in the specified format (PHP date format). For more information about this variable, click here.
Current Time
Returns the users web browser local time according to the Time Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
End of IF condition.
End of IF condition. For more information about this variable, click here.
Start of IF condition.
Start of IF condition. For more information about this variable, click here.

Data Grid Rows

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Action Variable Column
Use this variable within a data grid row to insert the text found in the action variable column. For more information about this variable, click here.
Label Column
Use this variable within a data grid row to insert the text found in the label column. For more information about this variable, click here.
Price Column
Use this variable within a data grid row to insert the text found in the price column. For more information about this variable, click here.
Price Column (With Currency)
Use this variable within a data grid row to insert the text found in the price column formatted using the currency settings. For more information about this variable, click here.
Value Column
Use this variable within a data grid row to insert the text found in the value column. For more information about this variable, click here.
WooCommerce Cart Column
Use this variable within a data grid row to insert the text found in the WooCommerce cart column. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Discount (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Discount (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Discount (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Gift Wrap
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Gift Wrap (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Gift Wrap (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Gift Wrap (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Handling Fee
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Handling Fee (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Handling Fee (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Handling Fee (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Insurance (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Insurance (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Insurance (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Other (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Other (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Other (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping Discount
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping Discount (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping Discount (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping Discount (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Shipping (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Subtotal (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Subtotal (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Subtotal (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Tax (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Tax (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Tax (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Total (Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Total (Span)
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Total (Span Currency)
Includes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Currency Symbol
Returns the current currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Field Value as Price
Use this variable to insert the value of a price field on your form. For example: #field(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. This variable will neatly format a currency value according to your E-Commerce settings. An example output might be: $123.00 For more information about this variable, click here.
Payment Method
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Value as Price
Convert the number input to a price that matches the configured e-commerce currency settings. An example output might be: $123.00 For more information about this variable, click here.
Order Status
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.
Transaction ID
Excludes currency symbol. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Character set
Returns the email character set. For more information about this variable, click here.
Content type
Returns the email content type. For more information about this variable, click here.
E-Commerce Values
Returns a list of the e-commerce transaction details such as total, transaction ID and status fields. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the email logo specified in WS Form Settings > Variables. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the email subject line. For more information about this variable, click here.
Submitted Fields
#email_submission(tab_labels, section_labels, field_labels, blank_fields, static_fields)
Returns a list of the fields captured during a submission. You can either use: #email_submission or provide additional parameters to toggle tab labels, section labels, blank fields and static fields (such as text or HTML areas of your form). Specify 'true' or 'false' for each parameter, for example: #email_submission(true, true, false, true, true) For more information about this variable, click here.
Tracking data
Returns a list of all the enabled tracking data that was captured when the form was submitted. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Field Value
#field(field_id, "delimiter", "column")
Use this variable to insert the value of a field on your form. For example: #field(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. If delimiter specified, fields with multiple values (e.g. checkboxes) will be separated by the specified delimiter. If column is specified it will return the value found in that data grid column. The value of column can be the column label or index (starting with 0).
Count the Number of Characters in a Field
#field_count_char(field_id, "regex_filter")
Use this variable to insert the number of characters in a field on your form. For example: #calc(#field_count_char(123)) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. Optionally specify a JavaScript regex to filter the characters included in the calculation. For example: #calc(#field_count_char(123, "/[^0-9a-z]/gi")).
Count the Number of Words in a Field
#field_count_word(field_id, "regex_filter")
Use this variable to insert the number of words in a field on your form. For example: #calc(#field_count_word(123)) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. Optionally specify a JavaScript regex to filter the characters included in the calculation.
Field Date Formatted
#field_date_format(field_id, "format")
Return a field formatted according to the PHP date function.
Field Date Adjusted by Offset in Seconds
#field_date_offset(field_id, seconds_offset, "format")
Return a date adjusted by an offset in seconds.
Field Value as Floating Point Number
Use this variable to insert the value of a field on your form as a floating point number. For example: #field(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. This can be used to convert prices to floating point numbers. An example output might be: 123.45
Field Label
Returns the field label by ID.
Field ID with Max Value
Use this variable to return the ID of the field containing highest value. For example: #calc(#field_max_id(5, 6, 7, 8)). This would check fields IDs 5, 6, 7, and 8 and return the field ID containing the highest value.
Field Label with Max Value
Use this variable to return the label of the field containing highest value. For example: #calc(#field_max_id(5, 6, 7, 8)). This would check fields IDs 5, 6, 7, and 8 and return the field label containing the highest value.
Maximum Value of Fields
Use this variable to return the highest value for the supplied field IDs. For example: #calc(#field_max_value(5, 6, 7, 8)). This would check fields IDs 5, 6, 7, and 8 and return the highest value contained within those fields.
Field ID with Min Value
Use this variable to return the ID of the field containing lowest value. For example: #calc(#field_min_id(5, 6, 7, 8)). This would check fields IDs 5, 6, 7, and 8 and return the field ID containing the lowest value.
Field Label with Min Value
Use this variable to return the label of the field containing lowest value. For example: #calc(#field_min_id(5, 6, 7, 8)). This would check fields IDs 5, 6, 7, and 8 and return the field label containing the lowest value.
Minimum Value of Fields
Use this variable to return the minimum value for the supplied field IDs. For example: #calc(#field_min_value(5, 6, 7, 8)). This would check fields IDs 5, 6, 7, and 8 and return the lowest value contained within those fields.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the form checksum.
Returns the current framework being used to render the form.
Returns the ID of the form.
Instance ID
Returns the form instance ID. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the form label.
DOM Selector ID
Returns the DOM selector ID of the form element. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Ticket ID
Returns the ID of the created ticket.
Ticket URL
Returns the URL of the created ticket in your Freshdesk account. Do not use this URL in any communications to the person submitting the ticket.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Post Key Value
Returns the value of the supplied POST key.
Query String Parameter Value
Returns the value of the supplied query string parameter.
Request URL
Returns the current request URL.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the MD5 hash of the input string. Server-side only.
Returns the SHA-256 hash of the input string. Server-side only.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Site ID
Returns the ID of the site created.
Site password
Returns the administrator password of the site created.
Site URL
Returns the URL of the site created.
Site Auto Login URL
Returns the auto login URL of the site created.
Site username
Returns the administrator username of the site created.

Local Storage

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Get local storage key value
Returns the value of a local storage key.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the absolute value of a number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Inverse Cosine
Returns the inverse cosine of a number in radians. For more information about this variable, click here.
Inverse Sine
Returns the inverse sine of a number in radians. For more information about this variable, click here.
Inverse Tangent
Returns the inverse tangent of a number in radians. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the average of all the input numbers. For more information about this variable, click here.
Rounds a number up to the next largest whole number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the cosine of a radian number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns E to the power of a number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to a number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the natural logarithm of a number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the maxiumum value of the supplied numbers. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the lowest value of the supplied numbers. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns 0 if positive, or original value if negative. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns an approximate value of PI. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns 0 if negative, or original value if positive. For more information about this variable, click here.
Base to the Exponent Power
#pow(base, exponent)
Returns the base to the exponent power. For more information about this variable, click here.
#round(number, decimals)
Returns the rounded value of a number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the sine of a radian number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Square Root
Returns the square root of the number. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the tangent of a radian number. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Format Number
#number_format(number, decimals, "decimal_separator", "thousand_separator")
Returns a number with grouped thousands. Same as the PHP number_format function.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the completion token count from OpenAI.
Returns the input for OpenAI.
Returns the OpenAI mode.
Returns the output from OpenAI.
Prompt Tokens
Returns the prompt token count from OpenAI.
Returns the total token count from OpenAI.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
PDF Link (Download)
Returns a 'Download PDF' link to the PDF.
PDF Link (View)
Returns a 'View PDF' link to the PDF.
PDF URL (Download)
Returns the URL to the PDF. URL downloads the PDF.
PDF URL (View)
Returns the URL to the PDF. URL shows the PDF in the browser.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the post content.
Returns the post date according to the Date Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General.
Post Custom Date
#post_date_custom("format", seconds_offset)
Returns the post date and time in the specified format (PHP date format). For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the post excerpt.
Returns the post ID.
Meta Value
Returns the post meta value for the key specified.
Returns the post slug.
Returns the post status.
Returns the post time according to the Time Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General.
Returns the post title.
Returns the post type.
Public URL
Returns the post URL.
Admin URL
Returns the post admin URL.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Number (0 to 100)
Returns the progress as number from 0 to 100. For more information about this variable, click here.
Percent (0% to 100%)
Returns the progress as a percentage from 0% to 100%. For more information about this variable, click here.
Number Remaining (100 to 0)
Returns the remainig progress as number from 0 to 100. For more information about this variable, click here.
Percent Remaining (100% to 0%)
Returns the remaining progress as a percentage from 0% to 100%. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Radio Label
#radio_label(field_id, "delimiter")
Use this variable to insert the label of a radio field on your form. For example: #radio_label(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. For more information about this variable, click here.

Random Numbers

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Random Number
#random_number(min, max)
Outputs an integer between the specified minimum and maximum attributes. This function does not generate cryptographically secure values, and should not be used for cryptographic purposes. For more information about this variable, click here.

Random Strings

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Random String
#random_string(length, "characters")
Outputs a string of random characters. Use the length attribute to control how long the string is and use the characters attribute to control which characters are randomly selected. This function does not generate cryptographically secure values, and should not be used for cryptographic purposes. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Seconds in a day
Returns the number of seconds in a day. For more information about this variable, click here.
Seconds since Epoch
Returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). For more information about this variable, click here.
Seconds since Epoch at midnight
Returns the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) to the closest previous midnight. For more information about this variable, click here.
Seconds in an hour
Returns the number of seconds in an hour. For more information about this variable, click here.
Seconds in a minute
Returns the number of seconds in a minute. For more information about this variable, click here.
Seconds in a week
Returns the number of seconds in a week. For more information about this variable, click here.
Seconds in a year
Returns the number of seconds in a common year. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Section Label
Returns the section label. For more information about this variable, click here.
Section Row Count
Returns the total number of rows in a repeatable section. For more information about this variable, click here.
Section Row Index
Returns the row index in a repeatable section. For more information about this variable, click here.
Section Row Number
Returns the row number in a repeatable section. For more information about this variable, click here.

Section Rows

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Section Rows End
Defines the end point for looping through repeatable section rows. For more information about this variable, click here.
Start Rows Start
Defines the start point for looping through repeatable section rows. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Select Count
Use this variable to return the number of options that have been selected for a field. For example: #select_count(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. For more information about this variable, click here.
Select Option Text
#select_option_text(field_id, "delimiter")
Use this variable to insert the selected option text of a select field on your form. For example: #select_option_text(123) where '123' is the field ID shown in the layout editor. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Current Date
Returns the server date according to the Date Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.
Custom Date
#server_date_custom("format", seconds_offset)
Returns the server date and time in the specified format (PHP date format). For more information about this variable, click here.
Current Time
Returns the server time according to the Date Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.

Session Storage

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Get session storage key value
Returns the value of a session storage key. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Border - Radius
For more information about this variable, click here.
Border - Style
For more information about this variable, click here.
Border - Width
For more information about this variable, click here.
Box Shadow - Width
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Danger
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Default
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Default (Inverted)
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Default (Light)
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Default (Lighter)
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Default (Lightest)
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Information
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Primary
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Secondary
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Success
For more information about this variable, click here.
Color - Warning
For more information about this variable, click here.
Font - Family
For more information about this variable, click here.
Font - Size
For more information about this variable, click here.
Font - Size (Large)
For more information about this variable, click here.
Font - Size (Small)
For more information about this variable, click here.
Font - Weight
For more information about this variable, click here.
Line Height
For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Capitalize a string
Returns the capitalized version of an input string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the lowercase version of the input string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Sentence case a string
Returns the sentence cased version of an input string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Convert a string to a slug
Returns the string as a slug suitable for URLs. For more information about this variable, click here.
Trim a string
Returns the trimmed string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Uppercase first letter
Returns the uppercase first letter version of the input string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Uppercase words
Returns the uppercase words version of the input string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the uppercase version of the input string. For more information about this variable, click here.
Apply wpautop to a string
Returns the string with wpautop applied to it. For more information about this variable, click here.

Stripe Elements

Name / VariableAdditional Information
Customer ID
Returns the customer ID used or created during the transaction.
Subscription ID
Returns the subscription ID for subscription transactions.
Transaction ID
Returns the transaction ID for one-time transactions.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Admin Link
Link to submission in WordPress admin. For more information about this variable, click here.
Admin URL
URL to submission in WordPress admin. For more information about this variable, click here.
Date Added
Returns the date and time of the submission according to the Date Format setting found in WordPress Settings > General. For more information about this variable, click here.
Date Added Custom
Returns the submit date and time in the specified format (PHP date format). For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the anonymized hash ID of the submission. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the ID of the submission. For more information about this variable, click here.
Link to recall form with submission loaded. Used in conjunction with the 'Save' button. For more information about this variable, click here.
draft = In Progress, publish = Submitted, error = Error, spam = Spam, trash = Trash. For more information about this variable, click here.
Status Label
Returns a nice version of the submission status. For more information about this variable, click here.
URL to recall form with submission loaded. Used in conjunction with the 'Save' button. For more information about this variable, click here.
User ID
Returns the ID of the user who completed the form. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Tab Label
Returns the tab label by ID. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Keep the content dynamically update. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Stores the website visitors agent (browser type). For more information about this variable, click here.
Stores the duration it took to complete the form in seconds. For more information about this variable, click here.
Location (By browser)
If a website visitors device supports geo location (GPS) this option will prompt and request permission for that data and store the latitude and longitude to a submission. For more information about this variable, click here.
URL Hash
Hash of the URL. For more information about this variable, click here.
Stores the server hostname. For more information about this variable, click here.
City (By IP)
If checked, WS Form will perform an IP lookup and obtain the city located closest to their approximate location. For more information about this variable, click here.
Country (By IP)
If checked, WS Form will perform an IP lookup and obtain the country located closest to their approximate location. For more information about this variable, click here.
Location (By IP)
This will obtain an approximate latitude and longitude of a website visitor by their IP address. For more information about this variable, click here.
Region (By IP)
If checked, WS Form will perform an IP lookup and obtain the region located closest to their approximate location. For more information about this variable, click here.
Time Zone (By IP)
If checked, WS Form will perform an IP lookup and obtain the time zone closest to their approximate location. For more information about this variable, click here.
Operating System
Stores the website visitors operating system. For more information about this variable, click here.
URL Pathname
Pathname of the URL. For more information about this variable, click here.
URL Query String
Query string of the URL. For more information about this variable, click here.
Stores the web page address a website visitor was on prior to completing the submitted form. For more information about this variable, click here.
Remote IP Address
Stores the website visitors remote IP address, e.g. For more information about this variable, click here.
URL Full
Full URL. For more information about this variable, click here.
UTM Campaign
This can be used to store the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) campaign parameter. For more information about this variable, click here.
UTM Content
This can be used to store the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) content parameter. For more information about this variable, click here.
UTM Medium
This can be used to store the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) medium parameter. For more information about this variable, click here.
UTM Source
This can be used to store the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) source parameter. For more information about this variable, click here.
UTM Term
This can be used to store the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) term parameter. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the login URL.
Returns the logout URL.
Lost Password
Returns the lost password URL.
Returns the register URL.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Admin Color
Returns the user admin color if logged in.
Returns the user biography if logged in.
Display Name
Returns the user display name if logged in.
Returns the user email address if logged in.
First Name
Returns the user first name if logged in.
Returns the user ID if logged in.
Last Name
Returns the user last name if logged in.
Returns the user ID if logged in.
Lost Password Key
Returns the user lost password key if logged in.
Lost Password URL
Returns the user lost password URL if logged in.
Meta Value
Returns the user meta value for the key specified.
Nice Name
Returns the user nicename if logged in.
Returns the user nickname if logged in.
Registration Date
Returns the user registration date if logged in.
Returns the user URL if logged in.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Returns the total word count. For more information about this variable, click here.
Count Label
Returns 'word' or 'words' depending on the word count. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the maximum word length that you set for a field. For more information about this variable, click here.
Maximum Label
Returns 'word' or 'words' depending on the maximum word length. For more information about this variable, click here.
Returns the minimum word length that you set for a field. For more information about this variable, click here.
Minimum Label
Returns 'word' or 'words' depending on the minimum word length. For more information about this variable, click here.
Count Remaining
If you set a maximum word length for a field, this will show the total remaining word count. For more information about this variable, click here.
Count Remaining Label
If you set a maximum word length for a field, this will show the total remaining word count. For more information about this variable, click here.


Name / VariableAdditional Information
Ticket ID
Returns the ID of the created ticket.
Ticket URL
Returns the URL of the created ticket in your Zendesk account. Do not use this URL in any communications to the person submitting the ticket.