Elegant User Profiles

Your members can create and manage their profiles directly from your website to engage with your community

Beautiful Profiles

Front-end user profiles that are fully customizable to your website requirements.

Users Information

Display information about your users and highlight their details within their profiles.

SEO Friendly URLs

Search engine optimized urls that area easy to read and secure. Choose between userid, nickname and username.

Access Restriction

Decide whether you wish to restrict access to your users profiles to logged in users only.

Content Tabs

Display or hide users submitted posts and comments within their profiles. Developers can also add additional tabs for custom content.

Profile Privacy

Global settings to allow profiles to be viewed by guests and members. Also allow members to control if their profile is to be hidden from guests and members.

Ready to get started?

WP User Manager is the best WordPress Membership Plugin to connect, manage and build your online community.