Is WP User Manager GDPR compliant?

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on March 6, 2021

The 25th of May 2018, new EU privacy rules have come into effect called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you are an EU based business or your users are from the EU you will need to ensure that your site is compliant with the new regulations.

For more information regarding GDPR please see:

WordPress 4.9.6 has been released with new tools that help website owners comply with the new regulations. WP User Manager now also provides new add-ons that help you comply with the new laws.

Please note that using WPUM and the mentioned add-ons does NOT guarantee compliance to GDPR. WPUM gives you general information and tools, but is NOT meant to serve as complete compliance package. As the owner of your website, it is your responsibility to ensure that your site is compliant with the regulations. Please always contact an attorney for accurate information, we are not responsible for your website GDPR compliance and we can’t be held accountable for any legal issues.

When a privacy page is created and set up under “Settings -> Privacy” of your WordPress dashboard, WPUM will automatically add a checkbox to the registration form asking the user for consent. 

Right of the user to access and delete his data:

WP User Manager provides a an add-on for this specific purpose 

Account cancellation:

Other than the ability for an administrator to delete a user’s account, WPUM provides a an add-on that allows members to delete their own account from the front-end.

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