Setting up the Stripe Webhook

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on March 12, 2023

To set up you webhook in Stripe visit the Webhook setting page in Stripe

Click ‘Add an endpoint’ then –

  1. Add your endpoint URL from your site settings, which will be in the format –
  2. Select ‘Events on your account’
  3. Select all events.
  4. Click ‘Add endpoint’
  5. Under the endpoint ‘Signing Secret’, click reveal then copy and paste the secret into the setting on the WP User Manager Stripe settings page.
  6. Click ‘Save Changes’

Once you have successfully connected your Stripe account and set up your webhook, you can begin accepting payments for site registration.

Note: if you want to test the Stripe integration on a local development site, Stripe will not be able to access your site for the endpoint so you would need to use a service like ngrok to create an accessible URL to use in the Stripe webhook.

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