How to collect payment for a user at registration

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on January 3, 2022

When building a membership or community site you may want to ask your users for payment for joining the site. This is possible when combining WP User Manager, WooCommerce and the WooCommerce addon.


First you need to have the following plugins installed:

  1. WP User Manager
  2. WooCommerce
  3. WooCommerce addon for WP User Manager

You then need to have one or more payment gateways configured in WooCommerce.

Next, you need to have created one or more Virtual WooCommerce products that will be used for purchasing at registration.

Registration Form Settings

To turn an existing registration form into a form that collects payment, navigate to Users > Registration Forms and select the form. Click the ‘Settings’ tab.
You can then choose if you want your users to select from many products or just register with one.

If the registration form should only have one product to purchase, select that product in the ‘Registration Product’ dropdown:

If you want them to choose their product, enable the ‘Allow Product Selection’ setting and then select the products they are allowed to choose from:


With a specific product selected for the form, when a user comes to register it shows that product name and price underneath the registration form fields:

The next step of the registration form is where the user enters their payment information to complete the payment:

Once the payment information has been entered and the user has clicked ‘Complete Registration’, their registration is complete and they are shown the details of what they have purchased:

Completing Payment Later

If a user attempts to register but doesn’t complete the checkout step of the registration form, they will have access to complete the payment later through the ‘subscribe’ tab on their account page (

The Subscribe tab name and slug can be customized with the ‘wpum_woo_subscribe_account_tab_name’ and ‘wpum_woo_subscribe_account_tab_slug’ filters respectively.

Restricting Access

For some sites you will want to enforce all users to complete payment before they can access any of the site. In the case you would need to enable the ‘Restrict Access Until Paid’ registration form setting:
This means when a user who hasn’t completed the payment logs in to the site, they will be always redirect to the account page to complete payment. It will show a notice informing them what to do:
The notice message is configurable with the ‘wpum_woo_unsubscribed_message’ filter.

Content Restriction Integration

If you are using the Content Restriction addon you can restrict specific posts, pages and custom post types to users that have completed payment using the ‘Restrict by Subscription’ checkbox in the ‘WP User Manager – Content Restriction’ meta box.

Subscriptions Integration

If you are using the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, you can get users to purchase a subscription product at registration, which allows you to collect recurring payments for membership to your site.

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