Private Content Installation

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on March 6, 2021

The following tutorial will guide you through the installation of the WPUM Private Content addon.

Installation from your WordPress dashboard

Once the
addon has been purchased and downloaded you should have a zipped package ready for installation.

Installing the addon is just like any other WordPress plugin. Navigate to your WordPress “Plugins -> add new” page, inside of your WordPress dashboard, and follow these instructions:

  1. Click the “upload plugin” button.
  2. Select the downloaded zipped package file.
  3. Press the “install now” button.
  4. Activate the addon.

The addon is now activated and ready to be configured.

Installing manually via FTP

Once you have the zip file, open it (typically by double clicking it) and inside you’ll file a folder called wpum-private-content.

Use your favorite file transfer tool (e.g Filezilla) to copy that  FOLDER (not just its contents) to your server, and place it in folder


Then go to the plugins page in your WordPress site and you should see WPUM Private Content in the plugin list. Click the Activate link and you’ll be ready to use the addon.

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