Redirects Settings

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on March 6, 2021

In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Users -> Settings -> Redirects” to access the redirects settings panel.

The following settings screen allows you configure redirects on your website.

Login redirect: Select the page where you want to redirect users after they login. If empty will return to the current page.

Logout redirect: Select the page where you want to redirect users after they logout. If empty will return to wp-login.php

Backend Register Redirect: Select a page if you wish to redirect users who try to signup through the default registration page on wp-login.php

Backend Profile Redirect: Select the page where you want to redirect users who try to access their profile on the backend.

Registration Redirect: select a page if you wish to redirect users to a specific page after successful registration.

Backend lost password: select a page if you wish to redirect users who try to recover they password through wp-login.php on your site.

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